Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ - 8

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Taehyung said and came near to the table.
He looked everyone with his sharp gaze and lastly he look at Jiyeon.

Everyone lowered thier head because of his gaze.

"Don't worry my all friends soon I will give you all a beautiful gift for what have you all done-

"We are soo sorry Taehyun-


"Don't ever think i will forgive you."

He said and sat in the chair like a king in front of them.

"Take your seats guys why are you standing and staring like this in front of me, few minutes before you all forgotted me then now why this respect just sit down." Taehyung said with an uninterested face, signing his one hand in front of them all to sit down.

They all gave a look to each other and took thier seats.

Here Jiyeon is fuming in anger but...

"Welcome Back Kim Taehyung oh sorry my DEAR SON." Jiyeon pressed the last word hardly while gritting his teeth.

Taehyung looked at him with his sharp gaze.
When he saw him he made his hand into a fist. He gritted his teeth more harder. His eyes turned into a dark one. His breath slowly slowly started to uneven because of his anger.

Jimin noticed Taehyung's reaction he widened his eyes a little. He immediately took his pen from his pocket and dropped that in the floor wantedly and he bend down to take that and he lowered his head more in front of Taehyung.

"B-boss please just calm down, I'm begging y-you." Jimin whispered to him.

After Taehyung heard what Jimin said he made his hands normal, he closed his eyes slowly for a few seconds to calm down him and he leaved a huge sigh and...

"I already told you soo many times Mr.Kim Jiyeon you lost that rights soo many years before so don't call again."

Taehyung said and gave a annoyed smile.

"And also i heard what you all said just don't say my father's name again in your mouth it's making me irritating, you don't deserve to call his name too, understand."

Taehyung said and took the drinks in front of him and started to drink.

The talks of Taehyung made Jiyeon even more anger.

But after a few seconds Jiyeon took his phone and he saw some message notifications.
That is from Noah he already messaged him that Taehyung all know about the meeting and he is on the way. But Jiyeon didn't see this before now only he see this.

"Ahh sh*t i didn't notice this before." Jiyeon murmered and cursed himself.

"Hey why the fvck you are standing here you can leave the room now don't you know? this is a secret mafia meeting." Jiyeon said annoyingly to Jimin.

Jimin glared at him.

"No one have the rights to order to someone here in front of me. Mostly to Jimin! He will also here only so is there any problem for you all?." Taehyung asked them while raising his one eyebrow.

Everyone didn't say anything they got silent.

"Mr.Zang and Mr.Wei you both can start your dealings to us."
Taehyung said to those Chinese dealers.

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