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i've never had a boyfriend. i've always had good grades, great attendance, great friendships, great parents, and a great rice purity score.

my bestfriend is kiara carrera. she's my polar opposite. she's a pogue. i'm a kook, well she used to be a kook. she's smart but had horrible grades and attendance. i'm smart but i have great grades and attendance. her parents are always angry at her and mine well, they're pretty laid back.

i was heading over to kie's to stay for a week at hers while my parents were on a work trip with the cameron's. i packed my jeep and blasted music.

i got to kies and her parents answered the door. "hey y/n!" they greeted as i smiled at them and greeted them back.

"y/n!" kie yelled running over to me. "hey kie!" i said hugging her. "let's go!" she said lugging all my stuff to her room. "damn girl what'd you bring with you?" she said as she threw my bag in the corner of her room.

"a corpse" i joked making her laugh. "what're we doing this week anyway?" i asked as i laid on her bed.

"well, we're going to hang with the pogues, we're going to go to the marsh, and perhaps some parties?" she said smiling at the end. i smiled back at her, i always understood that i was a goody two shoes but ill never miss out on a party especially with my best friend.

"im down!" i said making her pull me up from bed. "we're going to john b's!" she yelled to her parents as we rushed down out of the house.

an hour or two later

"ew that's gross!" i said laughing with a beer in my hand while JJ told a story.

"no joke! i was making out with this chick and i swear she tasted like cheetos! straight cheese lips!" he said enthusiastically making us all laugh.

pope sat beside me laughing. pope and i were very similar. he truly was one of my best friends also.

"okay JJ enough with her!" john b said collapsing onto the couch.

"i heard there was a party tonight". pope said drinking from his beer. i looked at him and smiled, "where at?" i asked making the pogues look at me.

"woah woah! snow white on the loose!" JJ said dabbing up john b while he said that. "oh shut up!" i said taking a swig out of my beer.

"it's at morris island". pope replied. we all groaned. morris island is the one beach we all hated, there was no reason for us to hate it, besides the fact that everybody was always there. from the high school hookers to the high school weirdos.

"we're going". JJ said getting up and grabbing the twinkies keys. we all got up and downed our beers before getting into the twinkie and drove to morris island.

at the party

"yeah, so i wrestled this shark in the water with my bicep and..." this guy i was talking to said. i looked around at the party, this conversation boring me universally.

i found kie behind the guy and gave her a look making her come straight to me.

"hey! i haven't seen you in so long what are you up to!" she said grabbing my arm and pulling me away.

"i feel so bad!" i said to her making her laugh. this was routine at this point, and every single time i say i feel bad, what can i say! i'm an empath.

i took a swig of my 4th beer tonight. and talk to kie on the beach. sarah cameron walked past us giving me a smile, but kie a smug look which she did back.

"why do you like her?" kie asked me making me scoff. i was tipsy, but definitely just not an idiot. "look, i've never talked to the girl we're just friendly and our parents are friends." i said making her just nod and take a drink of beer. "i need shots". kie said before dragging me to an area with alcohol spread out.

we took 8 shots each and danced with each other on the beach. john b and jj joined us, pope eventually joining us.

"I FEEL THE RUSH! ADDICTED TO YOUR TOUCH!" we all chanted with others. we were all drunk and having the times of our lives.

"COPS!" someone screamed running away opposite of the cops. we all started running, kie holding her boobs from bouncing up and down and jj laughing at her, mocking her occasionally.

i felt around my pockets and realized my phone must've dropped.

i ran back to grab it, i saw it in the sand because the lights of the cop car highlighted it. i went to grab it, people were getting taken left and right in cuffs and i grabbed my phone and bolted. clearly not fast enough because i tripped splat on my face. i groaned and turned up to see a cop standing over me.

the next morning

"you absolute idiot!" kie said as i made the walk of shame. "you know if i didn't get my phone my parents would actually KILL ME!" i said making her laugh. "my parents are gonna kill both of us and then your parents are gonna kill ALL OF US!" she said making me think it through since last night. 'my parents are actually going to kill all of us'

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