Daring the devil

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The rest of the ride was nothing but silence and suffocation for Jasira. It was pure suffering to her, she wished for them to get to their destination quicker but the wish turn deadly when an iron gate slid open automatically and the car drove inside. She can't see anything because the guys are blocking her view.
  The car came to halt and a light sigh left her mouth. The huge guy stepped out leaving the door open for her, is he being nice or what? She thought as she shifted closer to the entrance.
    She closed her eyes. Her breath became sharpened and came out louder then she snapped her eyes open and stepped out of the car.
    Her eyes flared up at the sight before her.
    "Holy moly." She whispered absentmindedly.
   Before her was an all-white huge manor tall building with two huge pillars. The manor was adorned with gold light bringing out the lushed colors. The ground was covered with short green grass.
    They beautified the floor and deep down, she felt like rolling on them.
    The blue fountain that stood alone in the middle of the compound was breathtaking. A huge man statue with two large wings on his back stood in the middle with water pouring out of his mouth. She can't tell if he is an angel or a devil but the blue-eyed man does not appear to be an angel so the statue must be a devil.
    The white manor was quite far from where their car is packed, she trekked behind the huge man until they finally got to the white door. Two dragons' head was carved on it, their mouth was opened and something was coming from them, something she identified as fire.
    Shudder run through her body when she notice them, it was as if they were opening fire on her body.
    The door opened automatically and she was not that surprised judging from how big the Manor is, it must have a lot of security and machines.
    The lounge room appeared after they passed through a silent passage
    "Wow." She muttered as her eyes run through the lounge room.
    It was hectic and magnificent, it was freaking gorgeous.
    It was big, it was bigger than her entire house, she didn't even know what to describe, from the moderate wine cellar that stand magnificently at the side or the huge television with a fireplace underneath.
    The white shiny leather sofas or the staircase that has a full dragon statue on its newel cap.
    The white marble floor had a dragon imprinted on the center of the room, she was still admiring the lounge room when heavy steps echoed throughout the room.
    A lump found its way to her throat and she swallowed it and rubbed her sudden sweaty hand together. The footsteps got heavier and louder but no one showed up, only the footsteps were making her chest rip into two.
    And with a blink of eyes, The blue-eyed monster appeared on the last row of the staircase in his all-black outfit. His right was dipped into the pocket of his slack. Her stomach bubbled seeing how attractive he was. He was attractively muscularly lean with his broad chest. His detailed sharp eyebrows.
    Jasira moved two steps backward when he got down the stairs, his blue eyes were fixed on her. She wanted to raise her eyes to meet his but she dared not, the heavy dark aura surrounding him as he approached her made her force her eyes onto the ground.
    Every step he took close to her made her body shake and her teeth clashed.
    He stopped a few meters from her and pierced his eyes into her chest. He released a low smirk before he went to sit on the sofa instead.
    Where is the kickass girl of yesterday? She was before him shivering, why? Because he is the devil!
    "Go to his front," Maxwell ordered and she glared at him.
    "What?" She mouthed in defense.
    "Nope." She deadpanned in a low voice as she shifted back.
    "Will you prefer if he is here?"
    Jasira said nothing and breathe out, in and out three times before she forced her legs from the ground and submitted herself to his front.
    Her eyes were on his sparkling black shoe. His silence was more of a punishment to her, should she speak first? She denied the idea and only waited till he was ready to speak.
    "Name." His voice was as terrifying as yesterday, his voice that can only send shivers through her body.
    "Ja... jasira." She shuttered and exhale, she is Jasira, she is not supposed to be scared but the unknown man made her bend.
        "Eyes on me."
    His command cut deep through her spine, staring at him is like staring at a fire, it burns every second you stared at it.
   Despite the pain, she found herself making eye contact with him.
    Now, she took notice of his feature very clearly. His eagle sharp blue eyes, and his pointed nose brought out his sharp eyes. His detailed eyebrow, and sharply pointed jawline that is beardless. His face is cold as a block of ice but the beauty is really there.
    It was coming together to her, the white Manor, the dragons, the fire, the fountain. He is no other person than;
    A loud gasp left her mouth in realization as she jerk back from him.
    "You... you___
    He raised his brow and twitched his lips, " Say it." He dared.
    "You are the devil." The words fly out of her mouth like a volcano when erupted.
    She moved back frantically from him. He was the devil, the man feared by all. He was the man that the newscaster talk about every week. The man who owned the world to himself and the man whose real name was hidden from the world was identified by the name, The Devil.
    She messed with the devil. Thinking about that made a shiver run through her spine, made her leg shake slightly, and made her bowel churn, pressing her hand on her stomach so she won't release the liquid that is threatening to leave her body.
    "What... what did_" She swallowed her words when his sharp eyes pierced through her body.
    She directed her gaze to where he was looking, her heart. He was freaking looking at her fucking heart.
    Her hands fly to her heart repulsedly and she covered it. She shut her eyes closed for seconds and breathe in, don't be scared by him. She chanted in her head three times before she snapped her eyes open.
    She retaliate the stare and directed her gaze into his blue eyeballs, his look was terrifying, it was cold, and it cut deep into her heart and made her body tremble but she was not going to back away.
    With every strength and courage she had, she asked;
    "What did you want from me, the devil?"
    A thin smirk appeared on his face and it disappeared as it came. She had the courage. The first Lady to stare into his eyeballs, the first female to question him, he wanted to break that courage and he would.
    After all, he is the devil, his name only sent a shiver through the human spine and this small lady with big courage standing before him is not excepted.
    "You know what I want?"
    Jasira blinked wondering what he meant by that then it clicked, he want her body.
    She chuckled. She didn't know how her chuckle got dark and carried a dark aura, this is not her but she love the new her, there was no reaction on his face and she expected that but her next words will throw him over the board.
    "In your dream."

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