Your body or

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"He sent for you?"
    "For what?"
    Maxwell growled irritatedly before his face went rigid again.
    "Follow me if you love yourself." His voice was icy as he stared at her with his murderous gaze. Jasira swallowed her gulp, regret flickered on her face. She should have been gentle with her words after knowing he was the devil.
    She shouldn't have been adamant, she should have crawled at his feet and accepted his offer, her gaze moved to his side once again, and relieve rush through her body when his gaze was not on her releasing a sharp breathe she followed the man whose name she didn't know.
    Every step she took towards Alejandro drained all her energy, and the little courage she had disappeared upon standing before him, her gaze was on the floor, Maxwell sat beside Alejandro again.
    "Jasira," Her breath hitched for seconds when her name left his mouth, it sound like terror that sent shivers through her body.
    Maybe this was her only chance to correct every mistake she made. She needed to submit before him, beg for his mercy so he could forgive, and forgot she existed permanently, without giving it much thought; she dropped to her knees and stared at his shoes.
    Alejandro's eyes twitched in horror at her movement, he moved his shoes away from her and sat upright.
    "What the hell?" He muttered enough for her to hear him.
    Jasira took a deep breath and glanced up, her eyes met with Alejandro's own and the coldness in them make her shudder.
    "I apologize for everything I did to you. I was very stupid and inconsiderate messing with you was the stupidest thing I have ever done. I'm sorry, I'm deeply sorry, please forgive me." She pleaded sincerely and desperately.
Her gaze met up with Alejandro's who was unbothered, his blue eyes were as cold as ever, and that troubled Jasira, didn't he hear her pleas? should she start all over again? just when she thought he didn't hear her, his deep voice resounded in her ears.
    "Too bad your apologies meant nothing to me now." Her eyes shoot upward at him.
    "What did you mean?"
"Are you questioning me?"
    "Of course not, just trying to get my answer out of you."
    Alejandro chuckled darkly at her response, twisting her words was one of the things that pushed him close to her, she was manipulative with her words. 
Jasira gasped a bit realizing what she just did. She twisted his words and he was sure not taking it lightly. She needed to do something that would make him forgive but she knew deep down that nothing was going to make him forgive her. He wouldn't stop until he had her legs spread on his bed and she won't do that until she died.
    Alejandro leaned closer to her and dragged her chin up. A light yelp left Jasira's mouth at his harsh hold. He tilted her head to a side before making her glance into his darkened eyeballs.
    Tightening his hold on her chin, he pushed her forward to him, and a dark smirk appeared on his face.
    "Your apologize meant nothing to me."
    "I want your body." His murderous gaze compared with his thunderous voice made her shiver under his touch, she whimpered at his rough hold before she wriggled out of his hold which he let her do freely.
    She rose to her feet immediately while massaging her chin. Her eyes went to him and they locked with him even though his gaze was intense, she stared back for five seconds before tearing her gaze from him.
    "I'm sorry..." She trailed off, her eyes moving to Maxwell who was the only one with him then she directed her gaze back to him.
    "You are not having my body." She added with a low smirk.
    "Is that a promise?"
    "Not a promise, not a threat but the truth."
    A short dark laugh escaped from Alejandro, this was one of the things he admired about her. The ability to have correct answers to each of his questions, her being adamant about not being on his bed which he won't accept a "no" as an answer.
   He raised his head to meet her hazel eyes surprisingly they glowed faintly under the warm light, and her ginger hair that made her olive skin more lovely reached up to her waist. He imagined his hands threading between them as he fuck the daylight out of her.
    He rose to his feet suddenly and she jerked back. A sly grin appeared on his face despite all her ranting, she was a coward hiding behind a tiny courageousness.
    He trodded to her slowly with heavy steps and she moved back at each step he took towards her, her heart was palpitating loudly in her chest. Her knees weakened but she kept moving until a cold metal hit her back, it was the hand trail, her throat felt dried up, she was trapped and could only wait till the devil got to her.
    Alejandro got to her with his signature smirk on his face, he placed his hand on the trail beside her. She was trapped with his both hands.
    She avoided his gaze at all costs even when he was leaning close to her and she could smell his scent down her throat, his spicy scent filled her lung and have her gasp slowly.
    A rough hand grasped her chin and made her face him, she gaze into his blue eyes that now flickered between dark blue and grey.
    Chill run down her spine, his eyes started to become darker and hold terror in them. She couldn't handle it anymore, she snapped her eyes close and a mocking short laugh filled her ear.
    The bastard. She cursed in her mind, what does he want from her?
    "Everything especially your boldness."
    She gasped shockingly snapping her eyes open. For a moment, she thought she said that loud but she was certain it was all in her mind, can he read her mind also? She gasped once again at the thought of him reading her mind.
    Alejandro left her chin and grabbed her neck, she gasped for breath opening her mouth widely, he smirked wickedly and increased his tightness.
    "Did you remember when I said I want your body?" He asked devilishly lifting her from the ground by her neck.
    Jasira choked on her breath kicking her feet toward him but he look unbothered. His blue eyes were now grey with only a tint of blue.
    "You said, in your dream, right?"

    "Too bad, I didn't take no for an answer."
    He brought her face closer to his face, her skin looked so pale with her eyes shot out.
    "And you won't be an exception." He muttered coldly biting on her earlobe and grinned at her before he dropped her to the floor.
    Her butt hit the floor with a loud thud. She rubbed her neck as she coughed violently, her chest heaving, drool running down her chin. She shook with wild tremors, tears brimmed her eyes and they start to roll down. Her throat hurt from coughing too much but she need breathe, her breath came out low and faintly. She closed her eyes while relaxing.
    Her closed eyes went abruptly opened when the spicy scent hit her nose, they came in contact with harsh gray eyes boring at her.
    "Will you give me your body or I should take it?"
    Jasira was dumb. Saying yes mean signing her body, her soul to him, saying no was not an option either. If she said yes; she won't be the free girl anymore, he owned her then, all her body, and could do anything to her, no! She can't be signed by the devil himself.
    She stiffed when his cold hand planted on her cheeks, his thumb rubbed her cheek slowly and she shivered.
    "I don't like waiting, baby girl " She shuddered at his cold voice and his thumb rubbing her lower lip slowly.
    It felt cold and interesting, it make her shivered with pleasure and she hated it and when his thumb covered both lips, her whole body trembled, it felt good. No, no, she was supposed to hate that.
    "Time is tickling, baby girl."
    That was the second time he called her that, first time, she didn't put much thought into it but the second time, the name made her shiver.
    "No! No! You can't have me!" She shouted unable to hear him called her that name once again.
    Alejandro was dazed for seconds before a loud laugh left his mouth.
    Jasira swallowed her gulp at his laugh, it was like a dart that pinched all of her body and let her bleed.
    "You shouldn't have said that!" Alejandro muttered wrapping her hair around his hand and used it to dragged her close to him, he tilted her head up and let her eyes bored into his terrifying one.
    She choked, sputtered, and flailed, but she couldn’t escape his unyielding grip
    "You know I don't take no as an answer so you have one chance."
    "Your body or..." He trailed off with a smirk, he enjoyed how her eyes cowered in fear and how her body trembled against his hold.

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