🚪Antisocially Affectionate: Hide x Jack (Wholesome)🚪

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Hide is Genderless (They/Her)
Jack is Male

Have you ever wondered how it feels like to share a room? More specifically, a closet? Well, we can say two entities of the hotel live in this tight environment.

We're talking about Hide and Jack. Both of them hang around the closets of the hotel, but Jack often comes out of them, except for Hide, who doesn't come out as much.

Both of them had a bit of an argument in the past, but now they're used to sharing the same space all the time, not even mentioning the fact that they literally have all the hotel's hiding spots to live, but they often stick around.

"And that's how I managed to combo with Shadow and Rush." Jack finish commenting his combo with Shadow and Rush a few weeks back.

"Damn, the person must've been surprised and scared at the same time." Hide commented, surprised.

"They indeed were." Jack started. "They even jumped back in surprise, letting Rush get them off guard." Jack finished his sentence, looking at the wardrobe's door crack, seeing both Figure walking around, putting the books back in the shelves.

Hide often hangs around the Library too, but Figure once told them 'let me cook', and so, Hide never attacked in the library, as an order of Figure himself.

Also, the fact that barely anyone enters the Library's closets just makes Hide kind of useless there, but she doesn't mind.

"What's with the random silence?" Jack asked, passing his hand in front of Hide's eyes.

"Wha? Oh, sorry. Dozed off for a second." Hide apologized, looking at Jack again.

"What's on your mind?" Jack asked, raising an eyebrow, curious about what Hide was thinking of.

"Nothing, really, just thinking about talking to Figure about letting me attack here in the library, y'know?" Hide answered.

"I see. Go ahead then, I'll be here if you need any help." Jack said, reassuring Hide that he's there for her.

"Thanks, buddy." Hide thanked, before opening the wardrobe's doors and calling Figure.

"Heya Hide, what do you need?" Figure growled, coming down the stairs and approaching the closet Jack and Hide were in.

"I guess you can't cook anymore, bud. Please let me help you when any humans come here." Hide said with a pleading voice, and Figure is lucky that he can't see, because Hide had puppy eyes.

Jack immediately looked away, blushing a bit because of how cute Hide looked, but he knew that wasn't neither the right time or right situation to do some sort of romantic or flirtatious scene with Hide.

"... Just let me fail once more, and you can start to help me here. But if I manage to kill someone after they entered a wardrobe, you won't have to assist me. Deal?" Figure explained.

"... Deal." Hide said, agreeing to their treaty, then closing the wardrobe doors.

"He's pretty chill, isn't he?" Jack asked, looking at Hide, trying to make small talk with her again.

"Too much, but when it comes to having humans around, oh, he literally becomes a beast." Hide chuckled.

"Majority of us become beasts when it comes to humans. I don't despise them as much as you do, but they still get on my nerves often." Jack commented.

"Agreed." Hide concluded, looking at Jack, wondering what they can do now.

"... What now-" Jack playfully asked, making a silly face.

"Well I dunno." Hide responded, leaning back in the dark void inside the wardrobe.

They kept thinking for a while, and didn't really come up with anything rather talk about the other entities, but they've done that like two gazillion times.

"... You know... I've been feeling this strange urge to be... Affectionate with you for some reason..." Jack started speaking, his voice low.

"Huh... I've been feeling the same... Weird." Hide commented, raising an eyebrow and stepping closer to Jack and sitting beside him.

"... I guess we can hug? There's nothing much we can do now..." Jack requested, looking at Hide in her eyes.

"... Eh, what can we do?" Hide replied, hugging Jack.

They kept hugging themselves for what seemed like an eternity, because time froze for them. The warmth of the hug was bringing them closer, reaching a point where they literally were cuddling.

"... This feels way too nice... I don't want this to end..." Hide whispered, closing her eyes and nuzzling her cheek against Jack's, feeling her cheeks burn like if they were on fire, but she didn't mind.

"Same... Also because it's the only thing we can do now..." Jack responded, playing with Hide's hair.

They were enjoying this intimate moment between them, and they were so deep in this atmosphere that they ended up falling asleep, still on eachother's arms, their faces literally glued against each other's.

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