When he offered his hand

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Next day...
Do Yoon entered the classroom. He quietly went to his seat, looking down. He could feel his classmates staring at him.
Joo Ha wasn't there yet. Do Yoon felt relieved. He sat down on his seat, rested his head on his hand and closed his eyes.
Joo ha came in a bit later. He saw Do Yoon sleeping on his seat.
"Beautiful." Joo Ha mumbled. Realizing what he had just said, he slapped himself. Jongin came in at that moment. He looked at Joo Ha in a sassy way and said, "You have lost it at last?"
Joo ha just raised his eyebrows in response.
"Hey, let's not bother him today. He kind of looks fragile already." Jongin said. He moved backward thinking he will get some beating from Joo Ha now.
But to his surprise, Joo ha just stared at sleeping Do Yoon.
"Hmmm." Joo Ha said
Jongin was surprised. He grabbed Joo Ha's shoulder and screamed, "Song Joo Ha... Are you okay?"
While Joo Ha was glaring at Jongin, Do Yoon yawned waking up from his sleep.
"Awww Do Yoon-ah cute!" Jongin said and went to Do Yoon grabbing his cheeks.
Do Yoon was flustered.
"Is this your new way to bully?" He glared at Jongin. Jongin grinned at him. Then eyes went to Joo Ha who was now smiling at him- not in a scary way.

Do Yoon somehow felt good. He was feeling that the day wouldn't go as bad as he thought it would go.

Joo Ha's pov:
After last night's incident I swore to not bother Do Yoon at any cost. But actually it was not up to my decision only. Still, I had taken the decision to not hurt him any further.

No one's pov:
In the morning, when Jongin mentioned the same thing, he obviously couldn't disagree. He was happy that someone else also felt the same.

When it was lunch break, one of the Joo Ha's boys (that's what everyone thought), came to Do Yoon.

"Yaaaa Seo Do Yoon... Follow me!" the guy said. Another tall guy joined him. That guy might be the tallest guy in the class. Do Yoon only looked down.

"Don't bother him!" Joo Ha said.

The two boys looked surprised. "What do you mean, Song Joo Ha?"

"Just leave him alone." Joo Ha was now glaring at them. The whole class was now completely silent. The classmates had never seen the Joo Ha's boys fighting among themselves.

The tall guy now talked. "Song Joo Ha... I thought you knew your place. Don't prove me wrong."

He grabbed Do Yoon's hand and forced him to stand up. Joo Ha now stood up and grabbed the tall guy's collar.

"Should I show you your place, Oh Sehun?" Joo Ha screamed.

The tall guy aka Oh Sehun smirked. He pushed Joo Ha with all his force making him loose the grip on his collar. He then  pulled Do Yoon who had now moved away from his seat and grabbed his hair. Do Yoon didn't make a sound, he grabbed Sehun's hand and was trying to free himself. Sehun at last left his hair when Joo Ha threw a punch at him.
Sehun started laughing loudly like a maniac. Joo Ha was going to punch him again but Jongin stopped him.

"You know you are gonna pay for this right?" Sehun said with a smiley face. He then got up and left the class.

"Phew what a maniac!" Jongin said looking at Joo Ha.
"Eh... Where is Do Yoon?" Jongin added a second later.

Joo Ha grabbed Jongin's shoulder and said, "Let's find him, okay?" Joo Ha looked super serious. Jongin just nodded in response and they both left the class looking for Do Yoon.

Joo Ha was the one to find Do Yoon. He was sitting behind a big ass tree. He was crying there.

Joo Ha just sat beside him.

"Thank you." Do Yoon said looking up to Joo Ha.

"For last night, and... For today."

Joo Ha remained quite.

"You know, when you stood up for me today, it reminded me of someone. He was the only person to stick by my side all the time then. No matter how terrible the situation was, I always found him rooting for me. And he made me promise that I will stay strong, I will become strong, I will stand up for myself. But here I am." Do Yoon chuckled.

"I want all these to stop. I want to become strong."

Do Yoon started crying again.

"I want to stop crying everyday."

Joo Ha just sat beside him as he knew that it was the only best thing to do at that time.

Lunch time was almost over. Do Yoon had stopped crying by then. Joo Ha tapped on Do Yoon's shoulder.

"Don't wanna grab something to eat? Aren't you hungry?" Joo Ha said as Do Yoon looked at him.

Do Yoon gestured that he was not hungry, but right at that moment, his stomach made a noise.

Joo Ha couldn't stop himself from chuckling.

"Aiigooo...we don't want Do Yoon-sshi to faint once again. So let's grab something to eat...let's go.." Joo Ha said smiling at Do Yoon.

Do Yoon was flustered... So he punched Joo Ha's belly slightly and started to laugh as Joo Ha started to overreact from the pain.

Joo Ha then stood up and offered his hand. Do Yoon looked at his hand for a second. There was a bruise, he might have punched Oh Sehun pretty hard. Do Yoon thought.

He then grabbed Joo Ha's hand. As Do Yoon stood up, Joo Ha started to run holding onto Do Yoon's hand. And Do Yoon followed him. They were both chuckling as if their lives were just perfect.

Joo Ha's pov:
I wanted to ask him who that person was.
Was that Taeyi?
The name he kept mumbling when he was unconscious.
Where is that person now?

But I decided to push all the questions away and just to be there where he was.

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