Getting to Know Him (2)

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"Taeyi was my best friend and... my first love. I knew him since I was young. We were always together. I used to be sick all the time then, but he always stayed by my side never leaving me behind. So we fell in love. We started dating. We were so happy...."

Joo ha could feel Do Yoon trembling as he was crying. He kept patting him.

"But someone from his school saw us kissing... i didn't know... i didn't know anything...we went to different schools... how was i supposed to know that he was being bullied for being gay............ he never told me.... how was i supposed to know....?"

"He always smiled so genuinely whenever our eyes met... how was i supposed to know? His parents were getting a divorce at that time too.... his- his brother had died a year ago... i-i always asked him if he was okay...I told him that he could cry to me... that i was there...but that idiot never uttered a word. He just left. He just killed himself.......... just left a note behind...saying that his last wish is that i would never do what he did.... what a joke!!! What a coward."

Do Yoon started crying louder. He was hyperventilating. 

"Its okay... calm down... You don't need to go any further. Please calm down!!!" Joo Ha pleaded.

But Do Yoon continued.

"So I started taking drugs. I bought them from Mingyu. One day I was out of money.....and he said he would give me some if i went to his place... and he...."

"Okay okay calm down i got it. Calm down" Joo ha said.

"That was just the first time...after that he did it many more times...when i was high or i wanted to get high. But then one day...when i woke up naked beside him... i felt so dirty... so i decided to stop... it was hard but I was doing well... then he dragged me out of the class one day and did it again...... i tried to resist, so called his friends........................ so i ran away... but he found me here too i guess"

Do Yoon couldn't talk anymore. He cried for hours. And then atlast slept in Joo Ha's arms.

The next day...

Jongin took them to meet his prosecutor cousin, Kim Namjoon. Namjoon heard their story and agreed to take their case and help with the whole process. As a result, Sehun's brother was arrested. And the gang was completely broken.

After a month...

It was lunch break. Jongin was nagging that he wanted to eat something nice when Do Yoon kissed Joo ha all of sudden making Joo Ha blush.

"I did all the hard work... I found us Namjoon hyung... and Joo ha gets Do Yoon. Why?" Jongina whined.

"Jongin-ah Jisoo told me that she likes to see you dance." Do Yoon said.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaat??? I knew it! I knew she had a thing for me.." Jongin screamed.

"Wanna do it today?" Do Yoon smirked at Joo Ha.

Joo Ha just blushed.


This is it guys!!! A happy ending!!! Thank you for reading. I am planning to write another story without a bully background. Maybe about the cast of "Our dating sim"... Lets see!!!

Please Comment about the pairs we want me to write about!!!

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