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Martial look to the portrait of his younger brother Philip who had disappeard without any trace and was determinate to find him due to the guilt he has inside of him.

Davao,his secretary,inform him to something bad that he should go to the world meeting.

After he reach out,UN is quite very serious and scared?

UN: As you all know,something bad had happened.

Norway: What is it then?

Greece: Bruh... Let him talk dude!

Türkiye: Quiet!

UN:*sigh worriedly*A new,dangerous organisation had discovered that is called the "Dark Extermination".

Everyone were shock and some of them were scared.

China: W-What?...

Chile: E-Extermination?! Is it like exterminate people?!

SK: That's sounds bad...

Türkiye: Well,it IS bad!

Morocco: I-I'm scared!...

Mauritania:*comfort him by patting his back*

UN: Yes,it is. I must show you a footage camera that is caught.

They all see a unknown symbol.

They all see a unknown symbol

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UN: This is their symbol.

America: It's look like it's alive!

Australia: Yeah!...

Canada: Shush!

New Zealand:*facepalmed*

They saw a bloody man who was trying to escape by running by something,or maybe someone?

A dark figure chase the man with an sword and decapite him that made the blood covered his face with his glowing red eyes that mad everyone shivered in fear on how scray it was.

UK: Bloody hell!

Cyprus: Th-The man's dead!

Japan: WHO?!

???: Head-Lieutenant Sundown's here.
I have succedly erased the target's life.
Report immediatly. I stop speaking now.

UN finish the screen and look at them for explaining.

UN: This man who name Sundown is an Head-Lieutenant of the Dark Extermination that he's sure very powerfull. One day,i send NATO to search after him but he had lost his right leg so he has now a robotic leg. Awful,isn't it?

They were all shock that someone like him could defeat an organisation like NATO and Martial spook up.

Singapore: Did you have identify that "Sundown"?

UN: Actually,yes. But you are not going to like this part.

Brunei: Heh?...

The screen show a similar face that is............

CH AU: The Dark Extermination Where stories live. Discover now