Confrontation & Arguments

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Today at 4:00 a.m.,Martial was here in the parc as the letter's said as he wait. He was nervous. What will happen to him? He was feeling anxious now.

???: I see you had really come,Martial Law Maharlika,my brother...

He turned around and saw Philip with a soft and innocent smile. He had Perla's smile and that made him bringing back memories.

Martial: Philip...

They were both quiet as Martial broke the silence.

Martial: What... do you want for me?...

Philip: To talk.

Martial: To talk about what?

Philip:*sigh*Well....About forgiving you.

Martial was shock. He don't know what to say.

Martial: W-Why?...Why now? I-I didn't have t-time to—

Philip: You're still my brother,Martial.
I don't want to lose someone like you.
I'll give you another chance. A second chance to be brothers again. What do you think?
Let's start a new life,shall we? Everybody deserve a second chance afterall.

He was now sobbing after earing his words and Philip come to him and hug him. He hug back. But..... Philip smirk and pull a knife and when he was about to stab Martial without him noticing...

???: Stop right there!!

They both look to the voice and it was Davao who is panting he took Martial from Philip and hug him that make him blush while he  glared at Philip with dark eyes.

Philip: Oh oh! Davao Durian... Our loyal secretaty... How have you been soooo lately as this time being?

Davao: What the hell do you mean "How have you been"?! You tried backstabbing Martial on his back with your fucking knife,asshole! Your totally sick!

Martial was shock after hearing this and Philip was angry that he wasn't able to finally kill Martial but didn't show it. He smirk.

Philip: Me? Sick! Haha! I see! So you're my older brother's boyfriend,huh? Really nice for you to protecting him!

They both blush on what Phil's said.

Davao: W-We are not in a relationship!

Martial: Y-Yeah!

Philip: When will Martial will give birth to my niece/nephew? I know that he's the bottom and you two are probably going to fu—

Author: Oi Philip! That's not in this script!
You making me have a nosebleed on whtz you said!

Philip: I know,i just ship it😃

Author: Follow.The.Script! Will you?! You just broke your character!

Philip: Okay okay. Fine😒

Author: Now you replay on when you smirk!
1... 2... 3... Action!

Phil smirk evily as he look at Davao.

Philip: I see! So you had following Martial,huh? Your really such a stalker for him.

Davao: I am NOT a stalker! I follow him because i had a bad feeling since the begining and i clearly knew this would be happening! Can't believe you try to kill your own brother!

Philip: Oh! So you blame me,huh? After all the things on what he did to me.

Davao: Look,i know you're broken but killing him and the others isn't a good choice and will not fix anything! You had to believe it!

Phil just chuckle evily while he glare at him and Martial.

Philip: So you were playing the hero,huh?
Davao Durian,the loyal secretary of the Maharlika Family or should i said..........
King City the traitor!

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