A Familiar Face- Chapter 9

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A/N; This might get a bit too descriptive, so there is detail about murder so YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. IT WILL BE GRUESOME.

Police swarmed into the hallways, each looking from the crime scene to our shocked faces, back to the crime scene. The hall was filled with people, and it was so loud.They took a good look at the scene then started to do their thing. Police here, detectors there, medic on the opposite side. We are just engulfed in a mass of people, and have limited space to ourselves. Detectives yelling at police not to move anything, police yelling at detectives for being in the way, medics yelling at police for not letting them examine the body. I, and the rest of the gang stare mindlessly in space while some try to question us about our involvement in the murder. I want to scream, "We had no part in this!" But I cannot move, I cannot talk, the gruesome scene keeps on replaying in my mind over and over again. It's all madness. We are stuck in the middle. A bunch of teens that witnessed something no man should witness in their lifetime.

The hall was blocked off by the infamous yellow take that says "Do Not Cross". The air thick with sorrow despair and wonder. Everyone of our faces long, white and sunken. Even Brittney lost her peppiness and is just staring at the body or should I say parts.......

In front of us is what was left of John. His body was in dismembered parts. His arm here, his leg there. Everything was separated but I couldn't find his head. His body parts were bloody and bruised. His skin was purple blue and red. Almost like he was tortured to death. The hallway was starting to stink from the putrid smell. The walls around the hall on both sides were stained dark red, from dried blood the police said.

Why would someone do this? Wait the head.......

"Jace open your locker please." I whisper to Jace finally snapping out of my horror-like trance.

Jace doesn't even answer me he just gets up and walks to his bloodstained locker. He turns the lock then opens his locker. Something heavy rolls out and falls on the ground.

John's severed head.

Jace's POV (RARE!)

As his head rolls to my feet I start to walk back. His eyes were still open, lifeless and dead. His face had several gnashes almost as if he was cut several times by a knife. He had clumps of hair removed and parks of skin gone. Both ears gone, but those were included in the parts left down the hall. His face bloody and dirty.

I slide down the locker on the opposite side of the hall staring at my friend's head. I can't even understand what that sick low-life did to him. He didn't deserve this for my mistake in not shutting up like I was supposed to. I should have just listened to Grace. But how did Grace know that his head would be in my locker, that is so suspicious. I have to question her later when I am in my right mind.

I can't help but remember John how he was, before he was dismembered and stripped of his life. He was this quiet but awesome person. He was one of my bros. I just can't help but feel bad about dragging him into this.


I can hear a scream in the distance. It sounded like Becca.

"John! Did you hear that? It sounded like Becca!" I stage whisper from my hiding spot.

"It did. Let's go find her." John replied.

After shouting Becca's name and giving away our position to whoever was "it", we end up to an alley. In the distance I hear another scream.

"That was Grace!" John whispered to me now backing away from the park.

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