Just as fake as Her Extensions-Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Just as Fake as Her Extensions

"Is Grace Williams in class?" What do they want? I don't want to leave. I pray my teacher hasn't seen me. I'm invisible.

"Yes she is." Crap.

"Please send her to guidance please."

Why am I being sent to guidance, I haven't done anything. No stupid, that would be the office. Right. You probably just left your sweater and they're gonna' give it to you. Why am I talking to myself? Picking up my stuff and pushing my chair in I start to walk towards the door.

"Grace!" My teacher says.

"Yes?" I answer

"Chapter 5, questions one to fifteen."

One to FIFTEEN! That's crazy; of course, she's crazy, so it makes sense. While i'm walking towards guidance I see Britney talking to Jace. Why does she have to be so perfect. Her perfection actually hurts, my eye is literally twitching. Those shorts are way too short and that shirt is bubble gum pink, like the gum she's chewing way too loudly. The way she's flirting with him is disgusting, like get a life. She has a life and its better than yours. Shut up subconscious, must you be soo condescending. Her life is just as fake as her extensions.

" Can I help you?" Britney asks.

"No, no just going to guidance," Freak, "You guys look cute together, are you dating?"

" Oh, no!" She laughs nervously while glancing at Jace. She's obviously blushing. That freak likes him, maybe its for the best. A cute guy and a cute girl just works, besides their both popular, he's a cute jock on the soccer team and shes the head cheerleader. You're just a regular girl i mean look at you. Shut up. Im beyond regular, people just don't know it yet.

I casually stroll into guidance and sit down.

"Name." Its the secretary Mrs Brown. Could she wear anything better, I mean Kaki pants is soo 1990 like get with the program or at least the century. I mean the shirt's cute.......kind of, with maybe a black pants and brown boots. Oh, she could add black earrings and like add a touch of lip gloss, even a smidge. Like even lip balm would wor-

"Name please!"

"Oh, sorry," I mumble,"Its William, Grace William, I got called into
guidance during class. I dont know why I'm here, do you know? I didnt do anything wrong did I? Is it my mother? Is she ok? Has she met in a accident? Oh my glob, she met in an accident. What do I do? How should I- "

"I asked for your name, not your life story. Maybe overthinking is why you're here."

I wasn't telling you my life story. Why would I be telling you my life story? Like you're a secretary not a shrink, get it right. Maybe being so rude and undereducated is why you're here. For once I agree with my subconscious. You don't even have a masters degree, you begged for the job and they were desperate so they gave it to you. You actually think principal likes seeing a twenty year old in his office.

"Go in she has been waiting for you, for like ten minutes." A proper education and good fashion choice is waiting for you. Subconscious I wouldn't go that far. Hey you thought it. Maybe I am overthinking.

I slowly walk into the guidance room. I have never been in there. As soon I walk in there is an explosion of yellow. Ahh my eyes! Yellow is so bright and ugly. Like, beekeeper much.

"Hello Grace, nice to see you! I'm Miss Haseon." She bubbles. Great, now I would just like to know why i'm seeing you.

"Hi, Miss Haseon?"

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