Chapter 1

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"Eren! Eren! Eren, wake up!" Mikasa hit him a pillow, trying to wake him up. "Ugh Fine! Dont wake up! Me and Armin are just going to go to school without you then!" She left and slammed the door shut.

"Mng? What did you say Mikasa?" Eren sat up, rubbing his sleepy eyes. "Mikasa?" He scranned the room not seeing Mikasa in sight. "I thought I heard her. Oh well." He stretched his arms. "What time is it anyways?" Eren looked at the clock. It was 7:18am. "Crap! Class starts in seven minutes!" Eren ran to his closet and pulled out his school uniform. "Why didnt anyone wake me up?! I knew I shouldnt have stayed up last night watching anime." He pulled up his light blue jeans and zipped it up. "I should have listen to Armin." He looked at the time again. It was now 7:22am. "There is no way Im going to make it to class in time." He grabbed his white shirt and put it over his head, pulling it down. "Where's my backpack?" Eren pulled off his bed covers looking unfer the pillow, stuff animals and other junk he had. "I cant go to class without it!" He checked under his bed amd saw his black backpack. "Aha! Found it!" He pulled his bag out of under the bed and stood up, dusting it. He checked the time again. The time was 7:27. "I only have 3 minutes to get to class!" Eren dashed out the door, grab his toast that was left on the table, and ran to school. 'I hope Im not late.'


"Armin, have you seen Eren yet?" The bell had just rung and everyone made their way to class.

"Sorry Mikasa, but I havent seen him but I have the first class with him so I can maybe send you a text?" Armin walked over to his first class S-2 (science 2)

"Okay Armin. Thanks!" Mikasa ran down the stairs, rushing to gym class.

The final bell finally rang and everyone in Armin's class took a seat waiting for their teacher to arrive. Armin looked at the door checking if Eren was running late but instead a short man wearing a shirt and tie, walked into the room. 'Who is he?'

Eren run down the halls, passing the last few students who were still going to class. It was now 7:35am. 'Im already 5 minutes late.' Eren stood outside S-2 and slowly opened the door. "Sorry that Im late Mr.-" Eren stopped and stared at the teacher. He wasnt Mr. Smith but someone else.

"You must be Eren. Your late." He said coldly, seeming a bit annoyed. "Take your seat." Eren made his way to his seat feeling his teacher was looking at him. He took his seat next to Armin.

"Now, lets continue with our lesson." He started drawing a diagram on the board.

Eren went into his backpack and grabbed his notebook. "Hey Armin." He whispered. "What happen to Mr. Smith?" He asked.

"He's teaching Math now." Armin copied down what was on the board. "And I guess this guy is our new teacher."

"New teacher?" Eren asked.

"Jeager! You should be coping this down instead of chatting with Arlert." He stopped his teaching.

"Yes Mr. Um.." Eren didnt know what to say.

"Its Mr. Ackerman but you can call me Levi. Im your new teacher for science and in this class you keep your mouth shut." Levi resumed back to his teaching.

'Levi huh?' Eren thought as opened his notebook to a blank page. 'Why did I get this.. weird feeling when he called my name?'

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