Chapter 14

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"I'm glad you made it Eren." Mikasa smiled. "I didn't think you would come since I wouldn't help you with your problem."

"Eh I already have it under control." Eren walked beside Mikasa.

"I sure believe it." Mikasa held on to his arm.

"Um yeah.." Eren pulled Mikasa off his arm. "So what movie are we watching tonight?"

"Well we can watch a comedy if you want?" They crossed the street.

"I guess." Eren kept walking.

"Is something bothering you? You don't really seem happy like you usually are." Mikasa grabbed his arm again. "Does it have to do with Levi or Armin?"

"Why are you bringing Armin into this? I don't get why you start talking about him." Eren didn't bother to pull her off his arm.

"Eren, Armin likes you. I don't think you noticed that but he likes you. He has always liked you since 3rd grade. Thats 7 years."

Eren pulled his arm away. "Go watch the damn movie by yourself! I'm not going to sit there while you just tell all this Crap that's going on!" Eren ran the street.

"Eren!" Mikasa called for him but he was already gone.


Eren made it back home and layed in bed. 'Whats will all this shit now? I don't understand why it's like this. My teachers have a crush on me, Armin has a crush on me, and Mikasa is just annoying the living crap out of him.' He hugged his pillow tightly and sighed. 'Can my life be well, normal again?' He heard a few rocks begin thrown at his window. Eren got his ass off the bed and opened his window to see Levi.

"Are you going to let me in brat?" Levi dropped the last few rocks he had.

Eren grabbed a ladder from his closet so Levi can climb it. Once Levi inside Eren's room he sat on the bed.

"I've been throwing rocks at your window for at least an hour and you finally open your window?" Levi layed on Eren's bed. "You really are a brat."

Eren closed the window. "You need to stop calling me that." He sat next to him.

"I'll stop calling that when I think of a name for you." Levi sighed.

"I dont think I can wait." Eren then layed down.

It was quiet for a while. Eren remembered when he tried to kiss Levi back by the track and he still wanted to it.

"What are you waiting for?" Levi asked.

"What?" Eren looked at him.

"Didnt you want to finish something." Levi rubbed his eyes. "Before I opened my eyes."

Eren blushed a light red. "I dont know I mean it was-" He was suddenly cut off when he felt Levi's lips pressed against his. Eren closed his eyes, kissing back Levi as he wrapped his arms around him. 'This feels.. so right.' Levi bit Eren's lip asking for entrance. Eren gave him permission. The kiss was only their arms wrapped around each other to Levi on top of Eren. They stopped for air.

"L-Levi.." Eren wrapped his legs around Levi's waist.

"Eren.." Levi slid his hands under his shirt and kissed him again, roughly.

'I want him. I want Levi to be mine.'

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