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DAYS HAVE PASSED AND Aelora hasn't eaten or slept by the memory of Lucerys still in her thoughts

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DAYS HAVE PASSED AND Aelora hasn't eaten or slept by the memory of Lucerys still in her thoughts. Every time she would close her eyes and try to rest, she would see his face or even dream of him..have nightmares of him. They all were the same; Lucerys blaming his sister for not being there to protect him.

The princess sat by her window as she watched the waves rise over the rocks below her balcony. Her thoughts filled her head that she hasn't heard a person knock and call her name multiple times before they were in the room.

Rhaenyra placed her son, Aegon, onto the floor as he crawled around Aelora's chamber and walked over to her daughter. "My sweet child.." She spoke softly and crouched down beside her chair, but Aelora kept unfazed. Rhaenyra placed her hands around hers and squeezed them lightly, which brought Aelora's attention as she slowly glanced away from the sea and down to her mother's despair eyes.

"My sweet one, look at yourself." Rhaenyra spoke and placed her palm onto the pale cheek of her daughters. Aelora has lost pounds by being incapable to feed herself or rest down. Her eyes were full of dull and sorrow as dark circles surrounded them. Her silver locks were no longer silky as they haven't been brushed nor washed for days.

Aelora could not stand to look down at her mother who had a sad expression on her face. She felt like Rhaenyra was disappointed with her. "You must eat, Aelora..and get some rest. You haven't rested your eyes almost seven days now..."

"You won't be prepared." A voice came from the doors of the chambers as Daemon stood there. His arms folded against his chest as he leaned onto the doorframe. Aelora's eyes furrowed in an angry expression as a minute silence passed before she had realised what her father meant. "Prepared?" She started with her voice dry as the desert. Aelora glanced over her shoulder as she looked into her father's eyes. Daemon, incapable of watching the sight of his mighty princess, lowered his head.

"There is nothing to be prepared for..." Aelora mumbled out and turned her head back forward as she shut her eyes close. First, the world was quiet, only the waves washing over the surface heard, "This act was done by the Hightowers who are now in charge of everything that bitch of a king does." Then, scenes of Lucerys and Arrax flashed in her head as the worst thoughts of what have happened encountered her mind.

Aelora winced slightly before opening her eyes once again, "The Greens have declared war with this murder. I will bring justice for my brother even if it means burning that damn throne with Aegon tied onto it." She mumbled out, her grip on the sides of her chair tightened as the wood broke slightly from her strong and angered grip.


After Rhaenyra and Daemon had left Aelora's chambers, the princess still stood by her window...wondering where Aemond had gone. Has he really left her? She pushed and sent him, but he described his love entirely different? Aelora thought he had somehow blamed himself for his brother's doings. For his family's doings.

Aelora had barely got herself out for some fresh air as she sat on the sand of the beach with Vermithor's head by her side as she rested her back onto his body. The two watched Cannibal roam free in the sky while Vermithor enjoyed the soft touch of his rider's fingers on the side of his head.

The dragons felt the emotions that roamed inside of her—Vermithor better than anyone. They were worried about their rider...their mother. The two dragons got closer as they were both war dragons, but Vermithor kept his safe distance from the dragon that ate his kind.

Vermithor slowly lifted his head by feeling the familiar footsteps approaching which alerted the princess. After noticing the face of the person, Aelora glanced back to the sea, "What are you doing here, Aemond?" she asked.

"I have came to inform you...I will be heading out on a journey— On dragon back." He spoke, his legs covering her glance before he sat down next to her. "I do not care" Aelora spoke.

Aemond kept his gaze onto her and noticed she had gotten paler than she was before. With a sigh he glanced into the sea and spoke, "I must get my sister and her children. She didn't deserve to be wed to Aegon and bear his children, let alone be involved in this war." Aemond spoke.

Aelora knew he was right. Helaena was innocent as so were her children. If Aegon's heir would be under the Black's protection, they would have a lead in this war. "Very well. Make sure you stay there, as a reminder of what your family has done to mine."

"Aelora," Aemond pleaded with soft eyes glancing at her. Aelora's hairs blew behind by the wind with the sound of waves crashing intensively into the rocks.

"As I said; Get Vhagar and get out. Have I not made myself clear enough?" She spoke in the same tone directly into his eye—not caring.

Aemond nodded and slowly stood up, holding in tears that were about to burst out. Holding the feeling of his heart breaking as she sent him away, away from her.

"Goodbye, My Princess." Aemond lightly bowed his head as Aelora turned her glance back to the sea. The Prince watched her for a couple of seconds before getting on Vhagar and flying away.

Aelora whatsoever buried her chin into her hands as she watched them getting more away and into the clouds with a tear slipping down her left cheek. However, sending him away would not make the worry she felt in her disappear. That weird feeling in her stomach that didn't want to go away. That feeling something bad is soon to happen and the young princess now prayed...no, she begged the gods that they do not take Aemond from her—even if she already lost him.

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