Chapter 4

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The same day, from the figurine shop.

"Thank you Itachi Sensei!" Sakura thanked him and walked away, taking her figurines.

"Why would you do that Sasuke? She was clearly embarrassed! Plus she even referred to you as classmate! Do you understand the gravity of the situation??" Charasuke asked angrily.

"Why are you so worked up? She fucking dismissed it and left, but you are concerned for no reason? Wanna marry her?" Sasuke asked angrily.

"Stop it you two! Sakura San dismissed it so should you!" Itachi warned.

"Sorry Nii chan!" The twins apologised.

"What happened here, stays here and here only!" Charasuke replied.

"Charasuke be quick and buy whatever you wanna buy! Then we're heading out!" Itachi ordered.

Charasuke nodded and chose 2-3 figurines. Soon the brothers headed towards their homes.


----Senju Estate----

"Ah my great granddaughter has come back surely!" A tanned old man between 80-85 cheered lively as he heard footsteps.

(A/n : Tsunade is 35 in this ff. Sakura is 15)

The bell rang and a woman in her 70's with red and white hair opened the door to Sakura

"Hashirama Oji San!!! Mito Obaa San!!" Sakura yelled with happiness.

"Ara Ara! Look how much you've grown Sakura! Last when I met you, you were 12 years old. So I heard you joined a new school in 9th! Are you liking the school? Did you make any friends??" Mito bombarded her with a bunch of questions.

(A/n : It's really annoying when olders do that. Not for me tbh. As someone who can't make friends easily, last bit pisses me off to no end. What about you guys? Tell me in the comments)

"Obaa San, relax please! Yes I'm definitely liking the school and yes I've made friends!" Sakura confidently lied.

"Sakura, go n wash up yo self! Obaa San I'll give you guys tea!" Tsunade went to prepare tea.


At the washbasin :

"I'm sorry Sakura! Don't take it to heart!' Tsunade comforted Sakura.

"I didn't mind at all auntie! I'm happy I've ppl who understand me and Obaa San was definitely concerned! She didn't have any ill intentions!" Replied Sakura.

"You've matured!" Tsunade smiled at her.

"Sakuraaaaaaa" Hashirama shouted.

"Yes? Oji San! Are you okay?" Sakura worriedly asked.

"Yes I'm okay! Btw you know about Uchiha Sasuke?" Hashirama asked.

"The Hn guy? Who had no vocabulary or whatsoever?" Sakura asked.

"That's rude. He's just an introvert." Hashirama corrected.

"Eh, Giyuu and Megumi are my go to's!" Sakura replied.

"Idk what you're talking about. But I know that they're anime characters. Again, we grew up watching Doraemon, Pokemon and ShinChan!" Hashirama explained.

"Oji San, correction : Those were your teen years programs" Sakura replied, smirking.

"Very smart, aren't you!" Hashirama commented.

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