Chapter 4: The Real You

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With a silent countdown echoing in my mind—3, 2, 1—I swiftly yanked aside the curtain, raising the vase high into the air, only to halt when I realized the balcony space was empty, without any human presence.

"No one's here," I murmured, furrowing my brows. Did I see wrong? But I was certain I saw a figure of a man on this balcony moments ago. I approached the railing, peering down, just in case the man had moved below, but there was no one. Strange.

"Jieun?" Suddenly, a voice called out from behind, causing me to jump and swiftly turn around.

"Jiyeon-ah," I murmured, quickly lowering the vase from the air.

Jiyeon looked at me from head to toe, her expression puzzled. "What are you doing in my room?"

My lips stuttered as I replied, "I was...I was searching for you. After leaving school earlier, I waited for you in front of the school gate, but you never appeared. And when I got home, I still didn't see you."

"While still wearing your school uniform and carrying my flower vase?" she asked incredulously.

I scratched my non-itchy head. "I didn't even have time to change because I was worried about you. And this vase... it's beautiful." Placing it carefully on the small table on the balcony, I decided not to tell her about the figure of the man I saw earlier to avoid scaring her.

"If you want the vase, just take it," Jiyeon said nonchalantly, beginning to step back into the room, but her movement halted when I grabbed her wrist.

"Can we talk for a moment?" I asked earnestly.


We sat in silence at the foot of the bed, tension thick between us. Finally, I broke the silence, unable to bear the weight of the unspoken. "Where did you go earlier?" I asked, hoping for some insight into her recent behavior.

"That's none of your business," she replied sharply, her tone laced with a hint of bitterness.

Concern flooded through me as I observed her demeanor. "Are you having problems? You seem different lately. You used to be so cheerful, never cried no matter what happened, even when appa left us and omma. But now what's made you change? Tell me, maybe I can help."

Her gaze shifted away from mine, her expression pained. "You aren't able to help," she stated firmly, her voice betraying a deep sense of resignation.

Determined to break through her defenses, I pressed on. "How do you know?"

Turning towards me, her face serious, she uttered words that struck me to the core. "You say I've changed. No. I haven't changed. This is the real me. I'm tired of pretending to be strong and happy all the time as you and omma hoped for."

Her raw honesty left me stunned, and as I looked into her tear-filled eyes, my heart ached. Unable to bear seeing her in such distress, I instinctively pulled her into an embrace, the warmth of her tears seep into my shoulder.

"It's okay," I whispered, my voice a gentle echo of the comforting words she had so often spoken before. "Let it all out. I'm right here for you." With each syllable, I drew her deeper into my embrace, feeling the weight of her emotions, silently promising to be the unwavering pillar of support she needed, no matter what challenges or unexpected twists may arise again.


The clock on Jiyeon's room wall showed midnight. Now, she peacefully drifts in dreams. I find solace in this beautiful sight; her earlier gloomy face now wears a cheerful expression, even in sleep.

Lying beside her on her bed, I gently stroke her short shoulder-length hair. The lingering scent of lavender shampoo from her hair envelops me, tempting me to surrender to sleep with its comforting fragrance.


....let me to be lulled into slumber alongside her...

...entwined in her dreams.

Quotes for this chapter:

"The hardest battle you will ever have to fight is between who you are now and who you want to be."
- Unknown -

To Be Continued...

Author's note: To my readers, I have an announcement. I won't be able to update on this Wed because there will be a celebration in my country on that day. So, see you on Fri!

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