Chapter 5: Thank You; Sorry

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As the morning sun casts its golden glow upon the waking world, the landscape becomes a canvas of warmth and light. Birds dance gracefully through the air, their melodious songs weaving through the air like threads of music. Among them, a trio of doves alight upon a balcony, where a delicate white vase, adorned with intricate lavender patterns, sits upon a small table.

With a gentle stir, I awaken from slumber, greeted by the symphony of chirping outside. Stretching languidly, I rise from my bed, drawn to the scene unfolding beyond the glass. My gaze is drawn to the balcony, where the doves peck at grains in a bowl left, no doubt, by Jiyeon. A soft smile plays upon my lips at the thought of my twin's tender gesture.

Scanning her bedroom with my eyes, I find every corner is empty; Jiyeon is nowhere to be found. I reach out to touch the pillow beside me, still warm from her presence. Did she just quietly slip away to avoid disturbing my sleep? With a heart brimming with gratitude, it dawns on me that today is the weekend, amplifying my appreciation for her thoughtful act.

Warmth floods over me, like the gentle morning sunlight streaming through the sliding glass door, tenderly kissing my face. With a contented sigh, I bask in the glow of her comforting existence, a feeling I hold dear and never want to let go of.


"Good morning, Omma," I chirped as I entered the kitchen, where the aroma of breakfast filled the air. My mother, busy at the stove, seemed lost in her culinary world, oblivious to my greeting. The rush of water from the sink drowned out my words, leaving me to wonder if she simply hadn't heard me.

Undeterred, I made my way to the living room where Mochi, our fluffy white doggy, was engrossed in a game of chase with a yarn ball that perfectly matched her pristine fur.

"Woof-woof!" Mochi barked excitedly as she caught sight of me, her tail wagging furiously. I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiastic greeting as I settled into my usual spot on the couch, extending my hands in anticipation of her customary leap into my arms. "Come here, Mochi," I called out softly, hoping to coax her over.

To my surprise, Mochi remained rooted to the spot even her bright eyes fixed on me. It was unlike her not to respond to my call; usually, she'd come bounding over at the slightest hint of attention.

"Woof-woof! Woof-woof! Woof-woof!" she barked again, the sound echoing through the room, elongated this time, almost pleading. I couldn't help but wonder at it's meaning. Was Mochi feeling unwell, or perhaps she was yearning for more playtime with her beloved yarn ball? Despite the four years we've spent together, it seemed there was still more to understand about her than I realized.

"I'm sorry Mochi, for failing to understand you. Looks like I've failed to understand anyone who close to me." I murmured, my voice heavy with regret. Jiyeon's words from last night echoed in my ears.

"You say I've changed.


I haven't changed.

This is the real me.

This is the real me!

This is the real me!!!

"Hey, Jieun," Jiyeon's voice in the present moment pierced through me like a lifeline, pulling me back from the depths of that last sentence of hers. I looked up to find Jiyeon's face, a mix of concern and anticipation, already standing in front of me. "What are you lost in thought about over here? Wanna take Mochi to play in the park together?" she asked, her fingers gently stroking our Mochi, now nestled in her arms.

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