Chapter 2: Mini Flower Bouquet

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As I entered the class, I took my seat, glancing at the one beside me, only to find it empty. Where on earth was Jiyeon? Didn't she mention she was heading to class when I meet her earlier?

Dialing her number, I hoped for an answer, but the ringing echoed into silence. Why didn't she pick up my call? Was she still upset with me?

'Jiyeon-ah, where are you? Class is about to start. About earlier... alright, I'm in. Let's do that competition together,'  I typed out, sending the message into the digital abyss.

While waiting for her response, I noticed something peculiar inside her desk drawer and curiosity led me to peek into it. Wow! There were lots of mini flower bouquets in Jiyeon's drawer. It must be from her male admirers, no doubt. With her bubbly personality, Jiyeon attracted plenty of attention, unlike me, who struggled with socializing.

Yet, the memory of her teary eyes from earlier lingered, casting a shadow over my thoughts. Could what I saw be real? Was she crying... for the first time? And that because of me refused to join the singing competition with her? She has many friends, why didn't she ask them instead?

A sudden ping from my phone broke the chain of my ruminations. Jiyeon's reply popped up on my phone screen: 'Really? Are you serious? You're not kidding me right?! Yay!! This is why I love you!' Relief washed over me like a gentle tide. Jiyeon didn't seem mad anymore.

Moments later, her radiant presence graced the threshold of the classroom, her smile illuminating the room with its warmth. In response, I couldn't help but mirror her joy, our grins dancing in harmony.



The shrill sound of the bell echoed through the corridors as Jiyeon grabbed my hand the moment class ended, her excitement palpable.

"Where are we going?" I asked, feeling both curious and apprehensive as she tugged me along, leading the way with a mysterious smile without an answer. Despite not knowing our destination, to my surprise, my feet moved with ease as we walked,

....following wherever she went...

....wherever she took me.

Along the way, we passed by a male student, and inexplicably, my steps faltered, a strange stiffness gripping me.

"Why did you suddenly stop?" Jiyeon asked, her voice pulling me out of my trance-like state. I turned back to glance at the retreating figure of the male student, a sense of familiarity tugging at the edges of my consciousness.

Jiyeon, noticing my distraction, followed my gaze, her expression turning puzzled. "Who is he? Do you know him?"

I struggled to find an answer, the inexplicable pull of recognition leaving me bewildered. "I don't know," I answered honestly. Yet, there was something about the way he walked, his silhouette, even his scent that felt oddly familiar.

"Uhh, I thought you knew him. You were staring at him like you're madly in love with him, you know." Jiyeon's words adding to my confusion. I'm in love with someone that i didn't even know? Is she teasing me or what?

"Anyway, come on, let's go." With Jiyeon pulling my hand back, I reluctantly tore my gaze away from the mysterious figure, his presence lingering in my mind as we hurried away.

Unbeknownst to me, the guy had stopped in his tracks at the exact moment I glanced away from him earlier. He turned and watched us as we slowly disappeared from his view.

That guy, clad in a dark blue school uniform bearing the nametag 'Kim Taehyung', sighed deeply before casting his gaze downwards to the mini flower bouquet he held in his hand.

"Lee Jieun, if only you knew..."

Quotes for this chapter:

"In joy or sadness, flowers are our constant friends."
- Okakura Kakuzō -

To be continued...

Total: 638 words

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