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After five days I eventually got a message from Townsend.

I've been going into the office, still doing my job, and gone to meetings. I never crossed paths with him. I've seen Vandyke around but not Townsend or Godwin.

When I asked Vandyke about it, he just said that Townsend has been occupied with private dealings. I don't know if that means he's been avoiding me, or if his private dealings involve Elizabeth Keen and I need to know what's going on.

My bruises have faded, most are almost gone but I feel like they have permanently marked my skin.

I'm not delusional and think that Townsend fucked me because he cares about me. I'm a lot younger than he is, and I know that I'm attractive. He had an urge, simple as that. But god I've never had sex like that in my entire life. I don't think I'll ever experience anything like that ever again.

There's rough sex sure, but I was actually afraid. I didn't know how far he'd take it, if he'd knock me unconscious or even kill me.

His message came through just after I'd gotten home from the day.

'We have a meeting. The car is on its way.'

I didn't have time to finish my glass of water before I heard the car pull up out front.

I'm nervous as fuck but mask it as I open the door to the car and get in next to Townsend. It's just us in the car with Vandyke driving, but I see two other cars just like ours are following behind us.

Townsend hasn't said a word in acknowledgement, he's just been texting on his phone.

I can't help but stare at his hands, his fingers. The same fingers that were inside of me. The same hand that was wrapped in my hair.

I catch myself.

"Seems to be a lot of people going to this meeting. Something I should know?" I ask him.

"We're going to meet Brock Smith."

"Just meet him? Just like that? After he tried to kill us? Which I mean we don't know for certain." I ask confused.

"My men have investigated the last few days. It is confirmed."

I sit with this for a bit.

I'd honestly forgotten all about the Smiths Raid, other than a certain part. I didn't think that they were still out there, still wanting us dead. Of course Townsend would have followed this up. Did I screw up by not getting involved myself?

"I see..."

"I'm surprised you didn't bring this up throughout the week. We could have died after all." He calls me out.

"I had my reasons."

He finally looks up from his phone at me now. I suddenly realise I don't want the attention

"Which are?" He asks me.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"It was my first time around assault like that. I'm not one to usually be on the field in that way."

He looks at me as if I should continue.

"I can take a lot. I've killed, I've been beaten. That doesn't bother me... I guess I'm just not usually helpless like that. At risk of sounding weak, I just needed to process. I figured you were onto things and I'd jump in a little later." Not a total lie. It just wasn't the gun fight that I was truly processing.

He lets a moment pass before responding.

"You'll be exposed to a lot of new situations when working under me. How you respond is important."

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