This is why we can't have nice things.

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"How did you have this ready? Do you have invisible servants or something?"

Gortash chuckles and I vibrate along on his chest, making frantic little waves on the surface.

"The miracle of technology, Talas. My desk has a few convenient buttons and this tub fills and warms up automatically. I pressed one before we began."

Well, that is convenient. I'm not sure if I want to be in this bath with him now, but it sure feels good on my exhausted muscles and aching sex. His arms around me feel nice, too, as much as I hate admitting it. I can hate a person and still enjoy their closeness, right? Right?

His hands caress me under the water and I let them.

"Good to know you bathe with your gauntlets on," I quip, noticing the distinctive feel of metal against my skin.

He pulls his right hand up and turns it from one side to the other, letting the gold reflect the glimmer of flames in the nearby fireplace. The netherstone pulses with its own light, alive and tempting as the power it holds.

"While I'm more than happy to entertain you, I'm not letting my most prized possession just lie around for you to steal," he smirks and I turn my head to have a better look at him, honestly impressed. "You changed. Your goals inevitably changed, too. I don't trust you anymore, Talas." He runs a soft finger along my jaw, dropping to the line of my neck and to my clavicle. I shiver, even submerged in warmth, too tired to correct the name this time. "If you want it for yourself, you're going to have to kill me."

I give him an evaluating once-over; then my eyes move to the dagger I left on the desk. His gaze follows mine and his smirk stretches more.

"Just keep in mind that those Steel Watchers outside will only take about ten seconds to join us. And even you, my dear, don't have the skill to defeat them all naked and unarmed to get out of here alive." His fingers trace the shape of my lips. "I would hate it if something happened to you before I had the chance to win you over."

"You're so full of shit, Gortash," I sigh, laying my head in the crook of his neck. I feel too lazy to murder anyone right now, anyway. "You sent me to hunt Orin down and told me to not come back without her stone. You expect me to believe you actually give a fuck about me and care what I think about you? I'm here against your explicit orders, your lordship."

"You came to see me surrounded by your new friends," he grumbles and I finally hear discontent in his voice. "In the company of your new lover. What did you think I would do, fall on my knees in front of all my esteemed guests and your openly hostile troupe and beg you to come back to me?"

"Hmm, so your excuse is your pride?" I sneer. "I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth, no matter how trustworthy you somehow manage to sound. I only agreed to your deal because you didn't give me any better choice. Karlach was furious. She wants you dead oh so very much. She gets really graphic, describing how she wants to kill you. You're lucky I didn't bring her along."

Gortash groans and pinches the root of his nose.

"The company you keep nowadays," he chides. "No wonder you changed so much. Every one of those bloody soft-hearted idiots putting their own opinions in your emptied mind."

"When that's what you wanted to do." I nod in mock commiseration.

"I want us to be partners," he scowls, tone wounded. "Equals. Sharing the power over the whole world. The Lord is only a part for me to play in public, while you reign over your own murderous kingdom from the shadows, unobstructed by law, unhindered by so-called heroes trying to stop you. We can have everything we've ever wanted. Together."

Kill Me Like A Lover « Enver Gortash & The Dark Urge [fem+named] » 🔞 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now