🆘Depression: Screech x Reader (Comfort)🆘

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Screech is Gender Neutral
Reader is Gender Neutral
Requested by Caldera_Scarab (thanks for the request!), hope you enjoy it!

Y/N was roaming the hotel for a few minutes already, and the eerie atmosphere was making their spine shiver.

The degrading wall paints, the scary paintings, the monster that resided there, all of that was making their experience feel like hell.

"I can't withstand this sh*t anymore... I need to get the hell outta here..." Y/N mumbled to themselves, looking for the key, since the room was locked.

Y/N had an injury in their left arm after an unfortunate encounter with a monster behind a fake duplicate door, leaving their arm with a bite mark, a few blood stains over it.

They managed to find a few bandages some rooms behind, and even a lighter, which they felt that would be useful in the future.

Y/N twisted the key inside the lock opening the next door, and when the lights flickered, they knew it was time to enter a wardrobe and let the black smoke zoom past them.

And so, It happened, they entered a closet, and a few seconds later, the monster rushed by, breaking all the lights.

Y/N came out of the closet, soon entering the next room, which had purple glow to it.

Y/N knew it probably was harmful, so they avoided looking at the source of light, and when they passed through the next door, the light faded away, along with the possible monster.

They kept walking and seeing strange things, and there was a time when eyes started showing up on the walls, an Y/N felt uneasy. The fact they were being spied at made them feel very uncomfortable.

Y/N reached a long corridor, and when they were going to open the 35th door, a strange background music began playing, and it was a chasing music.

They looked back, and Y/N saw a big puddle of black goo, and they saw a black humanoid creature with a single eye emerge from it.

"Aw hell nah, I ain't doing no sh*t." Y/N cursed, sprinting away, opening the next door.

A chase sequence begun, and Y/N had to dodge falling bookshelves by crouching under them, and the next room was roundabout.

Y/N quickly looked to both sides, and saw one of the doors with a numbered label, and without hesitation, they sprinted toward it and dodged another falling bookshelf in the next room.

The roundabout room returned, but Y/N didn't have time; the monster's footsteps were growing louder, each stomp becoming more aggressive, they took a guess, and the door was just ahead.

The next room was in total chaos: hands broke through the windows, the chandeliers were on the carpet, burning, and bookshelves were falling.

Y/N had to think fast. They had to make a zig zag movement, dodging all the obstacles. The creature hissed, but Y/N managed to reach the next room, that was normal.

They immediately flashed a middle finger at the monster, shutting the door on its face. The creature banged on the door, but to no use. The door magically locked.

Y/N sat down, their heart racing, and they saw they were in a dark room, but Y/N didn't care. All that mattered to them, is the time they had to rest and relax their breathing.

Y/N sat down on one of the corners of the room and sighed, calming down, and they could feel their heart racing.

After a minute or two, Y/N got up and pulled out their lighter from their pocket, illuminating a small area around them.

Y/N saw it was a plus shaped room, but it was unfortunately locked. Y/N quietly cursed, and begun searching for the key in the bedrooms that we're inside the room.

But something seemed... Off. Y/N was getting closer to finding the key, sure, but Y/N begun hearing whimpers in the room, and immediately let their guard up. They didn't know if whoever or whatever it was is a friend or foe.

They begun to slowly walk towards the source of the sound, the whimpers growing louder. Y/N opened one of the rooms, and saw a small... Human? Humanoid? They weren't sure.

The thing had a body and clothes, but it apparently had some black substance over their head, almost like the same substance that composed of the creature that just chased after them a while ago, and the humanoid in front of them had what seemed like tentacles over their head.

Y/N was relieved after seeing something that wouldn't attack them, but the fact that the thing was curled like a ball in one of the corners of the room, probably sobbing, made their heart sink.

Without a second thought, Y/N stepped closer to the humanoid, creating courage to help them.

"Hey... You good?" Y/N asked, and the monster's head tilted up, and Y/N saw white glowing eyes, covered by the black goo.

"... No..." The humanoid quietly spoke, burying its head back between their knees.

"... Want to talk about it? I may help you with your problem, I dunno..." Y/N suggested, looking at the being on front of them with concern.

"... I guess so... I don't have anyone to talk to anyway... Everyone hates me..." The entity whispered, its voice low.

Y/N closed their lighter, soon making the room fall back in the darkness. Y/N also sat down in front of them, to talk with the monster in a more comforting way.

"You're hated and avoided, huh?" Y/N said, looking at the humanoid in the eyes.

"... Yeah... Everyone considers me annoying and a nuisance to be around... Although I didn't do anything to deserve such thing..." The thing sobbed, looking to the side.

"Poor creature... You don't have friends?" Y/N asked, their voice filled with concern.

"No... I only have enemies and mean bullies..." The thing cried, their voice low.

Y/N was hit; not exactly hit, but absolutely rammed over by a truck of empathy after hearing those words come out of the mouth of the monster, and Y/N was struck with this sensation of wanting to comfort the thing.

"My, oh my... That's not good... Can I do something to, like... Comfort you or something?" Y/N asked, putting a hand on the humanoid's shoulder.

"... I don't know..." The creature sobbed, looking down in sadness.

And that was the last straw. Y/N embraced the monster in a tight hug, hoping to comfort them in some way.

"There... It's all gonna be ok... I'm your friend..." Y/N whispered, not letting go of the creature.

The monster was surprised and shocked, but it didn't fight back and hugged Y/N back, relaxing their body.

"... Thank you so much, friend..." The creature cried, wrapping its arms around Y/N, in a way to comfort itself after such rough times.

" The creature cried, wrapping its arms around Y/N, in a way to comfort itself after such rough times

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