ALPHA KIM [Part 2]

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Namjoon looks back and forth between Taehyung and Jeongguk finding the pair cute, he glances at his boyfriend and Jimin seems to be intrigued as he sips on his orange juice.

"Joonie," Jimin leans back to nudge his shoulder against Namjoon's eyes still on the pair in front of his gaze and straw between his lips, "are you sure they aren't actually dating? Just look at them, babe." He mumbles.

"They are just super comfortable." Namjoon waves off watching as Jeongguk feeds Taehyung the caramel pastry. "Like, they are bestfriends since diaper days so probably Jeongguk leaning on Taehyung shouldn't genuinely be a big deal."

"Namjoon," Jimin says, staring at Namjoon dead in the eyes, "I would have never asked you if they were dating just because Jeongguk leans on Taehyung."

"Then why are you asking?"

"Taehyung has his hand over Jeongguk's thigh."

Licking over his lips Namjoon opens his lips to probably answer but he rather just stares at Taehyung's arm and it definitely does look like the ravenet has his palm over his supposedly omega bestfriend's thigh under the table.

"Tae is just really touchy." He reasons with a shrug genuinely not finding anything to dig over this. "He always has his hand on my thigh whenever I sit besides him, doesn't mean we are dating, right?"

"Uh-huh," Jimin squinted his eyes, "this Jeongguk guy is super shy, apparently he and Tae are two years apart but isn't Tae in second year? Never knew he took a year drop?" He questions, to this day they thought Taehyung was the same age as him. "Damn, Tae's our hyung."

"That idiot beat up someone real bad and ended up in a correctional facility or something, that's what caused the drop. I knew he was a year older than us." Namjoon laughs with his head thrown back. "I'm not calling that mutt my hyung, Mimi."

"You really don't need to." Taehyung scoffs knowing well that the boyfriends were talking about him. "I can't believe Jimin didn't know."

"I'm sorry, Tae but I genuinely don't even know when your birthday is." Jimin blinks, reaching out his hand to grasp Taehyung's. "Sorry my guy, but you ain't that special to me."

"You and Joon started dating just four months ago, I didn't even know you existed before that." Taehyung withdraws his hand from Jeongguk's thigh and adjusts himself to hold Jimin's hand in both of his own hands. "So, I guess we are fine."

"Thirteenth of October, bitch."

"Thirtieth of December, asshole."

With a nod in each other's direction they pull their hands back and Jimin cuddles Namjoon's side while Taehyung bumps his head with Jeongguk.

"Well, mine's on the twelfth of September." Namjoon offers, his gaze lands on Jeongguk and he smiles at the redhead. "When's yours, Jeongguk?"

"Uh," Jeongguk glances at Taehyung who gives him a nod, he looks back at Namjoon with a slight smile, "first of September."

"Oh, you both have the same birthday month." Jimin hums, he inhales a deep breath and he absolutely loves it when Namjoon's cedarwood scent floods his senses. "Let's discuss what we are here for?"

"Oh, yeah," Taehyung leans forward, "so did you go for the registration? What did they ask for?" He tilts his head.

Namjoon smacks his lips. "Nothing much, all they do is make you sign a contract, it's just you and your partner legally signing that you both aren't lying." He takes the half empty glass from Jimin and sips on the juice.

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