ALPHA KIM [Part 3]

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Jeongguk just walks through the fourth floor hallway leisurely, just holding his little sling bag looking around with a huge grin that splits his face into two. Today he's dressed like everyone else, comfortably in an all black outfit, sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt, hair just as untamed as it always is.

Whereas there is Taehyung in bright yellow shorts and a maroon shirt, dragging two suitcases with boxes over them and two backpacks, one on the front and behind, walking right behind the omega with (of course) Jeongguk's luggage.

Not Jeongguk's fault, he insisted on holding his own bags but Taehyung would never let his best friend even pick a feather if it was up to him.

Behind Taehyung trail Namjoon and Jimin, two boxes in each of their hands while Jimin holds the lighter ones Namjoon actually carries the heavier one which has Jeongguk's books and shoes.

"I swear, Taehyung treats Jeongguk as if he's some prince." Jimin bounces the boxes in his hand, he looks at Namjoon whose ears have turned red from all the force he has been using and he can clearly hear Taehyung panting. "I'm telling you, these two clearly aren't just friends."

"Not the time, baby." Namjoon huffs out a breath. "Not the fucking time." His cheeks puff out before leaving out a breath. "I swear, how is Taehyung even breathing? He has double the weight to drag and carry."

"Fucking in love he is." Jimin breathes out, his hands strain with all the weight he is holding, he knows Namjoon's shoulders are going to ache later.

Similarly, Taehyung's arms and back are going to kill him after he's done being a hero and wanting to bring up everything all at once.

Jeongguk finally reaches the room and excitedly opens it. Before he can even enter the other three seem suddenly all boosted up with energy. They walk past him, all of his luggage and boxes they were carrying laid on the floor along with the werewolves carrying it all piled up on the ground.

"Holy—" Jimin hisses as he gets up and crawls his way out of the room, "Joonie, babe, the framed rules! Get your ass out!"

"Oh my God!" Namjoon pushes Taehyung off himself and jumps his way out sitting in the hallway leaning against Jimin. "Our personal dorms were better, so much better."

"I swear, we can't even have night outs with each other." Taehyung groans, laying his arm over his eyes. That elevator guy kinda makes sense now.

"Me and Joon," Jimin stands up pulling Namjoon with him, "we're leaving, and yeah Ggukie, we live on the third floor, just below your room with your mate." He salutes before leaving with Namjoon.

Jeongguk doesn't even try to correct, even walls have ears they probably need to let the world refer to them as mates even when they aren't.

Never will be.

"Is there something you haven't told me? I've been hearing about these framed rules awfully a lot in the elevator." Jeongguk steps inside, his eyes immediately finding the framed rules Jimin has been going on and on about, he reads them out, he giggles over the third one because he finds it cute but the first two put him in a dilemma.

Taehyung just lays there, toeing off his sneakers, before pushing the door shut with his foot, he had only left one light on but it illuminated all of the living room. He just watches as Jeongguk just keeps staring at the framed rules.

"Ruts and heats... we can't leave and stay with Namjoon and Jimin like we decided... these rules wouldn't let us... oh my God," Jeongguk turns and looks down at Taehyung, he doesn't even know what he should ask first, "what about...?" Everything, he wants to say but doesn't because it's a matter of fact.

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