ALPHA KIM [Part 4]

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Walking in back into their dorms Taehyung hums as he clings to a tipsy Jeongguk that's chatty just because of two bottles of soju and one glass of strong beer he had consumed while having all the meat to his heart content until his stomach bloated and the buttons of his jeans had to be popped open.

Taehyung of course was in a similar situation but he hadn't had more than just a glass of mild beer and lots of meat. Someone had to be responsible for getting them back to their dorm without tumbling down the road.

"Aye! Aye! You! The one with a criminal record!"

Taehyung stops and looks at Mrs. Ha who's still on the little desk where she always is. "What?" He asks, briefly glancing at Jeongguk who looks forlorn.

"Come here you rascal." Mrs. Ha beckons him with her finger.

Obediently, Taehyung walks towards her checking the time only to see it's still fifteen minutes to ten so he hasn't passed the curfew.


Mrs. Ha huffs, shifting her glare towards Jeongguk before it's back to the alpha. "I told you to inform me about your and your omega's cycles." She leans back on her cushioned chair as her gaze runs between the two. "You haven't yet."

"Uh, yeah." Taehyung pulls a breath through his teeth scratching his eyebrow. "I'll do it first thing in the morning tomorrow, classes start from the day after tomorrow as you may know. I promise tomorrow I'll be here with our schedules." He looks at Jeongguk wishing Jeongguk would add in something but the younger just keeps staring at his white sneaker clad feet.

"You better." Mrs. Ha rolls her eyes before flicking her wrist. "Now leave."

"Gladly." Taehyung scoffs, he genuinely doesn't know why this woman seems to have a hate boner against him. "Let's go, Gguk." He grabs Jeongguk's arm and drags him towards the elevator.

Jeongguk corners himself into the elevator and Taehyung gives him time to gather his thoughts.

They don't speak a word until both of them are in their apartment, the lights are flicked on and Taehyung just stares as he takes off his shoes watching Jeongguk do the same.

"Okay, I can't take it anymore." Taehyung sits on the couch and crosses his arms while Jeongguk pulls his socks off, stuffing them in the shoes. "What's going on in that little head of yours? Communicate, please."

"She... she," Jeongguk snivels, "she called you out so rudely... it's all because of me that you're being looked down upon like that." He looks up and his teary eyes make Taehyung's heart drop. "Wherever you go, people would always treat you like a criminal even when you aren't an-and it's all my fault."

"Jeonggukie," Taehyung signs as he extends his hand smiling at the omega when Jeongguk instantly grabs his hand so he pulls in the younger maneuvering him on his lap, "hey, it's really not that serious, she's just annoying."

Jeongguk just curls himself into a ball snuggling against Taehyung's neck. "You had to take a back from studies for over a year... this would have been your last year but you're still stuck because of me." He sobs, arms going around Taehyung's neck seeking comfort from the alpha. "I'm so sorry."

For a while Taehyung says nothing and just keeps stroking Jeongguk's bright red hair as the younger snivels in his arms. Scratching his blunt nails over the omega's scalp softly tugging off all the knots open as his fingers encounter them.

"Ggukie," he says, his voice as soft as it could be, "I don't regret a single thing and I'll do it all over again a thousand times." With a smile he cups Jeongguk's face and adjusts until the omega's forehead rests against his own. "If anyone bothers you again I wouldn't hesitate even once to bury them if needed to."

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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