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"You look like poop" Johnsons says in my ear while I began putting my books in my locker.

"It's Monday and it's not even eight-o-clock yet. I think looking like poop is acceptable." I groan pushing back loose strands behind my ear.

"I look fabulous though" He strikes a pose with his hand on his hip. I giggle leaning my head on my locker.

"Why am I friends with you?" I say jokingly.

"Because without me you'll be totally useless" He laughs draping his arm over my shoulder leading me to first period.

"You might just be right about that." I admit closing my eyes. Maybe it wasn't a good idea staying up until three on Netflix. Than sadly having to wake up at 6 if I want to be on time for school.

"C'mon Leah, wake up. Mr. Ronald will probably give you detention if you keep yawning" He shakes my shoulders.

"He couldn't even if he tried. I have practice today and you know how much he loves the school teams." Which explains why I think Mr. Ronald is a little booger.

"He wouldn't even think of giving me any mercy with detention you lucky little star" I giggle walking into class sitting in my seat.

"Benefits of being on a school team. Maybe you should learn" He sits in his seat behind me.

"Do I look athletic?" He asked sarcastically. I look at him up and down.

"Yeah you're right" He gasps putting his hand on his heart. All the noise in the room becomes quiet and I turn around confused. Definitely not because of the teacher.

It was him. The little Butterfinger decided to walk into class, Cameron. He glances my way with his posse behind him. I laugh at how stupid he looks with three girls following behind him trying to get his attention. He ignores them walking over to Johnson.

"You're in my seat" I heard him sneer and I roll my eyes already annoyed. Johnson quietly shakes his head.

"Aren't you going to get up?" Cameron asks again and Johnson began packing away his things quickly. I bit my lip trying not to say anything stupid.

"Hurry the hell up. Dumbass" I got up annoyed, anger running through my veins.

"Look you little shit, if you need a seat take mine. Stop being an ass to others" I told him angrily. He smirks walking to me.

"Sit down sweetheart. I don't want that seat." I shove back his chest.

"Than switch them. C'mon Johnson" Johnson nods following me to the back where there are two open seats.

"You shouldn't have gotten up" He whispered in my ear and I shake my head not wanting to answer.

"You're my best friend. I wasn't about to let him push you around like that" He shook his head.

"Even though I would've been fine moving, thank you.", I nod my head grabbing his hand, "I need a pencil" I laugh out loud.

"Of course you do" I say reaching into my bag grabbing one for him.


"I heard you got in an argument with Cameron in class today" Jady says walking towards me at our lunch table. Sammy quickly slides in next to her draping his arm over her shoulder and if I'm not mistaken I saw her lean towards him. When this did happen?

"Not really. He was being an ass to Johnson and I wasn't going to deal with it" I told her taking a bite out of my sandwich. She holds hand out wanting a piece and I glare at her holding the sandwich to my chest shaking my head. Johnson slides in next to me looking at my sandwich also wanting a piece of it.

"I'm not sharing my sandwich, so back off" I mumble annoyed continuing to eat it. Soon after Jack and Laura sit in front off us with their books.

"Guys, Mrs. Heath is giving pop quizzes like everyday and I have no clue how to answer them. Half of the stuff she puts on there she hasn't even taught." Jack groans laying his head on the pile of books.

"No you idiot. She taught all those things, you're just to busy with girls to actually pay attention" Laura rolls her eyes annoyed.

"Pfft, I pay attention" He says looking at her hopelessly.

"Jack, I'm in three of your classes and you don't pay attention to most. Except Mr. Ronalds. Oddly, you pay attention a lot in his class" I tell him laughing. He groans laying on the books once more.

I felt a vibration in my pocket and I put down my sandwich grabbing my phone seeing a text message on the screen.

Meet me in the boy's locker room. Ten minutes. Be there.

It was from an unknown number and I'm not sure who it though I do have a good feeling who it can be. I mean who else would tell me to meet up in the boys locker room.

"What's got you all tied up?" Johnsons voice rang in my ear and I looked up startled. I was too busy in my head to think about my surroundings.

"I gotta go" I grab my bag and hastily get up from my seat walking out of the cafeteria.

I kept a steady pace as I walked to the other side of the school where the gym was. I knock on the door not knowing if I should be expecting an answer. Expectantly, The door opened and a familiar pair of blue orbs met my eyes.

"What did you need Cameron?"

"Take a guess" He says and I roll my eyes turning around.

"I'm leaving" He grabs my arms turning back around to face him.

"I just wanted to give you a proposal. Hopefully you say yes-" I cross my arms unsure, " I'm failing chemistry and I know your one of the top students in the clss, so can you tutor me?" My eyebrows rise surprised.

"No" I say bluntly.

"But I'm failing" I shrug my shoulders not really caring.

"Looks like you have a lot of studying to do than." I said walking out the locker room. He soon appears in front of me.

"Please" Well he sounds sincere. It's still not a good idea. Little jerk acts like a butt to my friends than expects me to help him.

"Give me one reason why I should help you" He walks closer to me before speaking.

"Just imagine all the things we can do before, during and after studying" He smirks bringing his head closer to me.

"Unbelievable" I mutter to myself pushing his chest away.

"C'mon sweetheart, you know you'll enjoy it" He walks closer to me once again. Geez, I need Cameron repellent spray. It'd be very useful at times like these.

"Look, if you want someone to 'study' with you, you can get yourself another girl who is up to it. I bet anybody else wouldn't mind throwing themselves at you to help you pass chemistry." I tell him annoyed. I grab my bag leaving him and walked back to the lunchroom.

I can't believe he would even ask me that.


I'm actually taking Chemistry as I write this and I hate it so fucking much.

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