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The day everybody hates. The first day of the week. And sadly the first flat of school for the week.

Climbing out of bed, I grab my track pants, socks, and my blue and white baseball tee. I slip them on tiredly, looking at the mirror.

"I hate this" Groaning, I brush my hair, making my waves frizz. I laugh at the sight and put this product my mom bought me to tame it. Once I'm happy with how it looks I walk over to my shoe rack, grabbing my white vans. After slipping them on, I walk over to the bathroom.

I put on my contacts which take me forever. My eye gets so nervous when I get near it, that I start blinking.

I also put on some deodorant and perfume. Stretching my arms, I hear my brother shouting my name.

"What, Matt?" My head pops out the door.

"Let's go, we're going to be late." He informs me, which only makes me roll my eyes. He's a senior, where I'm just a junior.

"Be right there" I hear him say okay. Running into my room I grab my team jacket and strap over book bag. I run downstairs grabbing a banana on the way.

Matt was already in the car waiting and I run over to passenger seat, buckling my seatbelt.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go" He rolls his head nodding.


"Welcome to hell, Leah" Matt says turning off the car. Laying my head on the window, I look out seeing the 1000 students who go to our school.

Everybody's with their own groups.

To the left is the nerds. The far right are the 'cool' group. Most of the older kids are there, some younger ones but not many. Right next to me are the athletic jocks. Not necessarily apart of the cool group because that group doesn't really do much.

Matt walks over to the Jocks since he's apart of the lacrosse team. He mumbles a quick bye to me as I begin to walk to my group.

The unwrittens.

Basically, all that is, is that we don't want to go and be apart of a specific group. So people call us The unwrittens, just as we call them their group names.

Most of us here are dancers, singers, some athletes, maybe one or two nerds. I'm one of the athletes. My best friend Jady is one of the singers and my other best friend Laura is one of the dancers.

"Hey bitches" I greet them.

"Hey Captain" Jady hugs me.

"Really? Not you to." I groan.

"Yeah but the everybody calls you that" Laura points out. I nod, giving in.

"So are you guys ready for a week of hell?" I ask them. I quickly say hi to the rest of the group before they reply.

"If that means ditching each class, than yes" Jady jokes.

"Tell me you're joking" Laura didn't get it I guess.

"You know, colleges are going to be looking at our grades. You don't have time to miss any classes." She continues. I stand back laughing, letting her lecture Jady.

"Laura! I was joking. Damn" She finally stops Laura from her lecturing rage.

"Are you guys done now?" They both turn their heads to me emotionless.

"Leah, that was a serious conversation. I hope you were listening" She probably going to be some strict mother when she gets older.

"Don't worry, I was" I inform her.

The school bell rings loudly, causing the whole front of the school to groan. I swear we would be perfect for a zombie movie.

"Hell awaits"I mumble only allowing Jady and Laura to hear. Already, Laura starts on another conversation about how school is not hell and how it used to be heaven to kids back in the days.

"Laura, shut up. Schools not as fun as it used to be." Jady shuts her up.

As we make it in the school, I say bye to them since our lockers are no where near each other.

Lucky for Jady, her locker is near her first class. So is Lauras.

But no, mine is across the school, far from my first class. Only reason, why I get excused is because last year I took our team to the national championships. And I'm doing the same this year. I guess you can say the teachers have some sort of 'respect' for me.

"Hey Cap! What's up?" Well isn't it Sammy. He's a senior at our school, apart of the 'cool' group.

"I'm late for class Sam. Which should tell you to get to yours." I close my locker, beginning to walk to first period. He rolls his eyes and walks with me.

"I got study hall. No need to be early." I shake my head laughing.

"First period already started, you're late" I repeat myself.

"I'm never late. Everybody's is just early." I push his shoulder making him go in front of me. After another right turn, I show up in front of my class.

"Sammy, just get to class" I tell him a bit more serious. He raises his arms in defense.

"Go"I remind him again before stepping into class.

"Leah, you're late again" Mr. Ronald warns me. I begin to make my way over to my seat.

"Sorry sir. You know how far my locker is." I whine.

"Are you taking the Panthers to nationals again?" He questions me in front of class.

"Plan on it , sir" I finally reach my seat. I put my bag on the floor, taking out my notebook and pen. Opening up to a new page I start to write today's notes.

"Hey Leah, can I borrow a pen?" Jack Johnson behind me asks. I look over my shoulder nodding.

"Yeah sure" I grab a pen from my bag handing it to him.

"Thanks cap" I sigh annoyed by the name already.

"Well class, today we're going outside for a photography experiment" Mr. Ronald's says catching everybody's attention.

"Sir, this is a science class" Jenn from across the room points out. I nod agreeing with her.

"You're right Jenn, but we're going to focus on the shadows an object creates with the angle with the sun"

"This isn't art either Mr. Ronald" Johnson from behind me also says. I nod once again.

"Alright Jack, how about you write me a 3 page essay on how shadows and the sun are connected. Make sure to not leave out the moon" He instructs Johnson. I hold in a laugh, leaning back in my seat.

"Anybody else has someone hung to add?" Mr. Ronald asks. We all shake out heads, staying silent.

"Well than. Everyone up. Were going outside" I groan, grabbing my things, walking out with Johnson next to me.

"Won't this be fun"

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