Chapter 3

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Everyone's blown away by Leila's strike force

Mikey: Mitsuya, you didn't tell me you had a war machine for a friend!

Mitsuya: She told me she was strong, but not that strong.

The gang hesitates to flee when suddenly a tall figure appears - a teenager with a knife in his hand.

?? Mikey: Let's escape in his girlfriend's skirt!

Mikey: Nuroshi, leave it to us, we've won and that's that.

Nuroshi: Never
Nuroshi rushes towards Leila to ditch her, but Mikey gives Nuroshi a masterly kick.

Leila *red-faced": I don't need help

Mikey: It was a white weapon, you could have died.

Mitsuya: Come on, let's beat them up!

Leila: With pleasure

Nuroshi: Kill them!

A team of 27 attacks the trio, Mikey is surrounded but defends himself as best he can. Two boys corner Leila outside the kitchen

?1: You should stay in the kitchen

?2: Yes, it's better for you.

Leila: I think you guys are right...

Suddenly Leila throws the hot oil from the noodles in the faces of two boys, and both end up on the floor, screaming in pain.

Leila: ...I'm staying here because this is where the best weapons are!

Mitsuya and Mikey are impressed by Leila's dexterity and intelligence in combat, and the young girl emerges from the kitchen.

Leila: I'm coming, guys!

Leila fights all the boys in the enemy gang and takes them all down, with the help of Mikey and Mitsuya.

Nuroshi: This girl is not normal, she fights with flexibility and dexterity as if she's been doing it all her life.

As the fight rages on, the sudden sound of a police car is heard.

Nuroshi leaves with his gang and Mikey and Mitsuya go upstairs to hide, Leila turns off all the lights, locks the doors and rushes upstairs.

The police inspect the premises because they'd received a call that there'd been a score-settling in the area, but in the end the police leave, believing they've been the victims of a hoax call.

The trio end up laughing as they make their way downstairs.

Leila: You still need treatment

Mitsuya: Oh no, no more disinfectant.

Leila: Oh yes, disinfectant

The friends had a great evening, laughing, playing and telling stories, and at 5 o'clock the boys left Leila's place.

Leila: Ah, what a crazy evening.

And Leila fell asleep with her head full of happy memories.

Meanwhile, Mikey and Mitsuya stopped by the temple to talk.

Mitsuya: Yes, Mikey, what did you want to talk to me about?

Mikey: I wanted to talk to you about Leila. 

Mitsuya: Oh sure, with her demonstration earlier who wouldn't be surprised?

Mikey:Not only Mitsuya, Leila isn't like the other girls but I don't know how to describe her, the only girls I know who have a character different from the others are Hinata with her strong character and Emma with her character to always see the best in people but Leila is something else more different that I can't decipher, There's nothing really wrong with her apart from her constant aggressiveness, but apart from that she's kind, loving and fearless, strong and always thinking of others... for me, she's a bit like the perfect girl.

Mitsuya: Mikey, don't tell me you're...

Mikey: Yes, Mitsuya, I'm in love with Leila.

Mitsuya is astonished by this news, steps to the side and thinks about Leila's recent behaviour. She blushes at the sight of Mikey and is embarrassed by Mikey's presence, and finally the young boy deduces something.

Mitsuya: It's mutual

Mikey : What are you saying?

Mitsuya: Nothing

In Mitsuya's thoughts: I don't want to get involved in this mini love affair, let's give it time, one day they'll end up together for sure, at least Leila will fill the void in Mikey's heart left by his brother's death.

The two friends leave for home.

Mikey is on his bed, thinking of Leila.

Mikey: What's the matter Mikey, you can't sleep because of a girl?
I hope Mitsuya won't say anything to Leila.

Emma: Say what?

Mikey: Emma, what are you doing here?

Emma: Well, it's 6.30 a.m. I came to wake you up.

Mikey: Oh, sure, wait, I'll get ready.

Mikey gets ready to leave the house and he's a bit tired because he didn't sleep all night.

In front of the house

Emma : Hey Mikey

Mikey : Yes

Emma : Don't forget that Draken's getting out of hospital this afternoon.

Mikey : Of course 

End of chapter

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