Chapter 10

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Leila is in the cab shedding all the tears of her body she is extremely afraid that her mother won't survive the operation she won't be able to bear it alone and her father even the is fine and so decides to call someone to support her but all the people she is with at the moment are busy so she decides to stay alone in her thoughts.

Arrival at the hospital

Leila was met by her father at the hospital, who told her that the operation was extremely critical and that her chances of survival were minimal. Her father didn't want to lie to her, he simply had to tell her the truth, so that if anything did happen, she'd be better able to accept it.

While Leila was being taken to hospital and transferred to a room where she could rest, her father got on the phone to call one of his friends, because he couldn't cope on his own and Leila couldn't either. He searched his phonebook and came across Mikey's name.

Arriving at the hospital, he goes straight to the room where Leila has been transferred and sits down at her bedside to talk to her.

Mikey: Leila! Leila, can you hear me? Please wake up, I need you!We need you! The Toman needs you! Everyone needs you! You can't leave us! You can't leave me! You've got to wake up! You have to be strong, it's your courage that's going to get your mother through this. If you're weak, your mother will be too, but if you stand up tall and courage is your strength, your mother will be back on her feet. Please do this for me, for us.

Even after Mikey's speech, Leila lay still in her sleep, Mikey lowered his head in dejection, he didn't know what to do, so he stayed there beside his sweetheart, he stayed with her so that Leila's father could look after his wife.

Minutes went by like hours and hours like days, the time passing incredibly slowly, but the stress was mounting very quickly.

Leila's father: So, doctor, how are things going?

Doctor: Her condition is critical, but the operation went smoothly and she'll be back on her feet in a few months.

Leila's father burst into tears and thanked the doctor for saving his wife. He left immediately to tell Mikey the news, so that he could pass it on to Leila, who was still asleep.

Some time later, Leila still hasn't woken up, which worries her father, who calls the doctor to his daughter's room.

The doctor examined Leila thoroughly and was shocked.

Mikey: What's wrong, Doctor ?

Doctor: She's had a very serious anxiety attack. The stress has exhausted her body's resources and she needs a drip.

Mikey: What?

End of chapter

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