peppermint butler is truly the god of gifts

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The sky was painted in varying hues and shades of oranges, blues and pinks, colorfully announcing the sunset. The light from the sinking sun leaked through the window and into the lab of Princess Bubblegum, who sat in her chair, staring at the desk in front of her. She had been sitting there for a while, not doing anything.

While she had intended to create some concoction to keep her mind off of recent events, she couldn't bring herself to do anything. She sighed softly, resting her arm on the table and laying her head on her hand.

There were a lot of things on her mind, which was normal for a person like her. After all, she was the ruler of an entire kingdom, and since the Candy Kingdom had grown so much, she had gotten busier. But what was even worse, was after the elemental incident, it was awful. After LSP managed to reset the world back to the way it used to be, her old family members had been turned back to normal as well and were now on the loose.

She didn't know what they were planning as of right now, but she knew that they were up to no good. And whatever they had in store, she had to make sure she was ready. It frightened her, she didn't want her kingdom to go into shambles.

She groaned in annoyance, slamming her head onto the desk. All of this was hurting her head, she didn't want to worry so much but yet she had to make sure she didn't let her guard down.

She was thrown out of her thoughts when she heard the door open followed by tiny footsteps walking into the room, "Princess..?" Said the voice of her butler. She breathed in before lifting her head and facing the small peppermint before her. She put on her best smile, responding with, "What's up, Pep?"

He paused for a moment, seeming a bit unsure before speaking, "You alright?" He watched as the smile from her face faltered, falling into a small frown as she looked back at her desk. "Yeah.. Just.. Tired, I guess."

Peppermint Butler didn't buy that one bit, he knew she must've had a lot on her mind, especially with the events that took place recently. He didn't want to see the princess upset, but he wasn't sure if he could do much.

"I'm going to.. Do something that requires being away for a little bit. If you don't mind, that is." He hoped she wouldn't mind his absence, so that maybe he could give her something to cheer her up. But yet again, he didn't want to leave Bubblegum just in case she needed him while he was out.

"Yeah sure, it's basically the end of the day." She said, waving her hand dismissively at him as she turned to face the table. He quickly excused himself, saying his goodbyes to the princess as he left.

After a bit of packing, he stepped out of the castle, quickly casting a glance behind him

before making his way out of the kingdom.

He dragged a bag along with him, which was full of various weapons. The weight of the bag had slowed him down, he even considered just tossing it aside and leaving it. But it was going to come in handy, especially with the things he was about to do.

Painful hours went by, it was already dark. The sky was drained of its colorful hues and was now nothing more than a black abyss with stars that littered the sky. The bold, bright moon was full on this cold night, being the light that helped Peppermint Butler traverse through the land.

He found himself in a forest, probably miles away from home. He dropped the bag and sat down with a huff, "Should've stolen a kid's bicycle for this." He muttered quietly to himself. Nothing interesting was happening, he didn't even know if he was going to find what he was even looking for.

That was until he caught a glimpse of movement in the corner of his eye.

He quickly stood up, unraveling his bag to pull out a knife. He wasn't sure of what he was going to find, but even then, he was sure he could make something interesting out of it.

The peppermint's heart skipped a beat when he felt a wave of hot air hit him from behind. He slowly turned around to see a shadowy monstrosity before him. While he couldn't make out most of its features, he could tell that this thing was exactly what he wanted. Though he could help but feel a bit of fear as its many eyes, that were scattered across its head, all focused on him.

"Heeeyyy... Buddy.." His voice trailed off at the end. He heard it emit a loud snarl before spitting some sort of black substance at him. In response, he quickly jumped out of the way. It roared, lifting an appendage, with what looked like sharp teeth poking out of it, and swiped at him.

He just barely managed to dodge, letting out a yelp. He threw himself at its limb, stabbing it before dragging the blade down, forcing a deep and long cut onto its flesh. Red blood that shined in the moonlight leaked out of the wound, oozing down the creature as it shrieked, shaking him off of itself.

The small butler was flung against a tree, nearly losing consciousness from the force. He managed to bring himself onto his feet, using the tree as support. However, the monstrosity was already bolting towards him, hissing loudly.

He dropped down as the monster leaped at him, slamming against the tree he was by and knocking it down. He used this as a chance to stab its underbelly, dragging his blade through its stomach as he made his way from underneath the creature.

Once he made it out, he turned around to face the creature that was now wailing in pain. Peppermint watched as the monster continued to shriek as blood pours out from its large wound. It collapsed onto its side, panting loudly.

It started hissing when it felt Peppermint Butler shoving his small hands into the gash on its stomach, reaching out for its heart. It started to squirm and struggle, but it didn't have the strength to get up.

It shrieked loudly as the butler ripped out its heart, using his knife to help extract it. Life soon left its eyes as it stopped producing sounds and movements. Pep flipped it off, making sure that was the last thing it saw before leaving this world. He then started to walk away, grabbing his bag and taking the organ with him.

.-.-.-. Back at the castle lol .-.-.-.

"I got this for you, princess!" Pep said proudly, holding up the heart he had taken. Princess Bubblegum winced, looking at the organ that was being presented to her.

"Pep But, I know you mean well, but this is the 3rd time this week."


A/N: I had a vision

that this happened

Idk man i've had this idea floating around in my head for a while and this stupid PEPPERMINT PIECE OF SHIT has been plaguing my mind

also i love him a lot and i wish he had more SCREEN TIME GRR

anyways did i mention how inconsistent my posting schedule for this will be?

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