Chapter 11

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Everything in my power

Leila has been put on a drip because, according to the doctor, she's had a major anxiety attack and her body can't cope with the lack of energy. She's been asleep for three hours already and it's getting very late.

Leila's father: Mikey, I think you'd better go home tomorrow and see her.

Mikey: I'm too scared, sir, there was something here I'd never forgive myself, it's imperative that she wakes up before October 31st, because that day will be the most important.

Leila's father: Why?

Mikey: It's the battle between Toman and Valhalla.

Leila's father: Oh, your gang stories, Leila told me all about them.

Mikey: What

Leila's father: Yes, she tells me everything. It's true that at first I thought it was dangerous, but she's young, and you have to live your youth to the full, but I'm going to ask you something, Mikey.

Mikey: Huh?

Leila's father: Protect her while you can in this battle, can you promise me that?

Mikey: I promise.

Leila's father: Thank you, at least my heart won't be so heavy.

After making this promise, Mikey left Leila's father with his daughter.

The next day

Leila still didn't know how to wake up, but her father took care to warn his friends.

Leila's father had gone to pay some hospital bills when suddenly he saw his daughter being treated in the place where the infusion had been installed and grabbed his bag to leave.

Her father: Where are you going, princess?

Leila: Papou, I love you and Mom, but I've been awake since last night, I've got the discussion between you and Mikey and I'd like to thank you for thinking of me and supporting me no matter what road I take, you're the best dad!

Leila left the hospital to train, as today was October 30 and decisive, and called Takemichi to check on the plan.

Takemichi informed her that the mission was over, as Baji had decided that the battle would take place tomorrow, and Leila told Takemichi to meet her near a boxing gym so they could talk in peace.

By the boxing gym

Leila: Hey Takemichi!

Takemichi: Leila, how are you?

Leila: Oh fine, nothing serious happened. What about the mission?

Takemichi transcribes the discussion he had with Baji to Leila and tells her who should tell Mikey.

Leila: Takemichi, don't be afraid, Mikey isn't mad enough to kill you, you're not responsible for Baji's choice and I'm sure Mikey will understand that, so I'll leave you to it, I've got to go and also tell Mikey that I'm awake.

Leila returned to the boxing gym to train and left Takemichi to go and see Mikey.

At the park

Takemichi recounts what happened with Baji, but Mikey puts things into perspective and tells Takemichi he has no choice.

Takemichi: And Leila's awake too.

Mikey: What did you say? Is she all right?

Takemichi: Yes, she's fine and ready for tomorrow.

Mikey: At least some good news*think* Leila, thanks for waking up, my heart can't stop beating!

In the evening, Mikey summoned all Tokyo manji for a last-minute meeting.

Mikey walked over to the Gang meeting and Draken spoke up, saying that the subject of the meeting would be tomorrow's battle.

Mikey repeated again that tomorrow's battle against Valhalla would be fought and that the gang had nothing to gain from it and that the battle had been caused by Valhalla itself and that Baji had been in the enemy ranks and that one of the Toman rules was no mercy for traitors and all of a sudden he took on the face of a kid and said who doesn't want to fight a buddy and that's when all the gang started to fight.Mikey asked for the gang's help and said that tomorrow the Tokyo Manji would go and smash Valhalla and bring Baji back to the gang, and that would be the reason to fight.

The gang cheers and cheers for the gang and Mikey.

We were ready for tomorrow

End of chapter

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