Chapter 12

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Final Day

It was the big day, the long-awaited confrontation that would decide which gang was the strongest between Valhalla and the Toman.

All the gangs were ready for the fight, so we moved towards the entrance to the rubbish dump and a mediator announced our arrival. I was next to Mitsuya, who gave me a sign of encouragement and told me that I just had to do my best in this fight, the leaders of each of the gangs approached the mediator, but when he explained the rules, he received a punch that sent him straight to sleep, and the bearer of this punch was Kazutora, who then said that we were in for a fight to the death.

The gangs launched the charge, I was doing pretty well because all the idiots of Valhalla saw me as their prey since I'm a girl, that didn't prevent me from getting hit in some painful places but thanks to my suppleness some well-placed kicks between the legs and they wouldn't get up again for a long time, it was pretty hard when they saw me as a threat, the fight was hard against this colossus sent to crush me but I knew how to find a parry.

Takemichi (on the ground): Wow Leila manages despite this difference in strength, she won't give up!

The colossus gave me a violent blow to the head, which hurt me badly.

Colossus: You should go home, this is men's business.

I was head down, some of the gang wanted to intervene but I asked them not to do anything, I raised my head with a trickle of blood running from my forehead to my chin and I looked the colossus straight in the eyes.

Leila: Know that I'm here by choice, not by obligation, so don't compare me to the weak who need protection, I protect myself with my own weapons.

I lunged at the colossus and head-butted him, and when he was head down I kicked him in the head as hard as my father's failed cakes, his head smashed the ground and he was knocked out.

Part of the Toman cheered the girl, the only Toman girl, Leila Mito, now nicknamed "the Scarlet Rose of the Toman".

After my fight, I went to help my team (Chifuyu and Takemichi), helping Takemichi more by covering his back, but he defended himself very well, and I was proud of that.

Leila: Are you going soft on the misogynist?

Chifuyu: Speak for yourself, the rabid bitch!

Takemichi*thinks*: Even in this kind of situation, they argue...

The confrontation was in full swing, and it was becoming more and more complicated as the numbers favored Valhalla.

During the fight, Draken was not only fighting Hanma, but also other members of the enemy gang who were taking advantage of the situation to attack him. I would have liked to help him, but many people were attacking me at the time.

I was tired and out of breath, but I had to persevere for Mickey, for my father, for my friends, for myself, but I felt my body couldn't keep up.

All seemed lost, suddenly Takemichi came to me more determined than ever despite his wounds and black eye, he said he was going to beat the shit out of the whole Valhalla gang as they fell unconscious into Mitsuya's arms, but despite this, he had remotivated the whole gang who were gradually getting back on their feet, my eyes were shining at this moment, the gang howled with rage, Draken said Takemichi had woken them up again.

The fight resumed with a remotivated Toman who was determined to win.

At that moment, I felt invigorated and I easily knocked out several members of Valhalla, even if I was in pain and spitting blood, I didn't really care, I was too into the fight, I was having a great time, I had gone to help Draken with his fight against Hanma.

Draken : Are you sure you want to help me?

Leila : Are you doubting me?

Draken : Never.

Hanma approaches us and starts the fight Draken sends him waltzing off

I cover his back and kick our enemy, we manage to keep the fight going but suddenly there's a sound of metallic things hitting things, I turn towards the highest point of the dump and see Mikey lying unconscious on the ground.

Leila: Oh fuck!

Mikey got to his feet, his legs and arms were grabbed and Kazutora began to hit him with his metal pipe. Suddenly Mikey became enraged and knocked the three assailants to the ground, but Mikey then fell to his knees, head down.

A group of Valhalla decided to take advantage of this opportunity to finish Mikey off, and I dashed off with a few gang members to avoid them, but suddenly an enemy grabbed my hair.

?? You're not going anywhere

I tried to struggle but without success, but in my distress I saw a piece of glass on the ground, I grabbed it and hesitated to cut my hair, I have a shorter hairstyle around my neck.

I charged towards Mikey but this group had a head start, the leader was about to throw the first punch but suddenly he was knocked out by a Toman, it was Kisaki with his division, he had saved the love of my life at the last moment, the whole group was singing his praises and Draken let him act for Mikey's safety, I saw Takemichi with tears in his eyes, but didn't understand why, I hadn't forgotten Kisaki's shady dealings but the important thing was Mikey and his safety.

But no sooner had Kisaki performed the miracle than a silhouette appeared just behind him, that of Baji Keisuke.

End of chapter

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