The next week or so felt even faster than the last. Luckily, Rykis was able to allow Virgil into their space with slightly more open arms. That was a big help, and Lykas spent the rest of the following weeks leading up to his start of the mission gaining his tolerance to the disguise as well as spending as much time with his siblings as he could. When the day finally came for him to leave, he shared very emotional goodbyes with the two of them.

He even saw a few painful tears fall from Rykis's eyes. He didn't know which pained him even more, the fact that he wouldn't see them for some time after this. . . or the fact that Rykis actually cried. He met The Viper in the same spot they met on their first face to face encounter. Only, this time she asked him to come before dawn. Venturing out into those parts during the twilight zone felt like a magical adventure. The stars always look pretty from the more natural environments. He always finds his eyes growing lost in the endless abyss of temporary light. The Viper is the one who breaks him free from his thoughts. He isn't changed into the disguise, this is so she can find him easier. Also to reduce risk of being recognized by people who could be living within the outlaws hideout.

She doesn't say a word to him as she enters. She only walks over to him, he doesn't see anything with her. But, as she draws closer he sees her reach into the arm of her satin glove and pull out a small piece of paper. She leans in close to his hear as she pries the slip out with her fingertips, and she transfers it to his. "I know you will not let me down my dear." She says as his own fingertips wrap around the slip of paper and hides it away in his palm. She stands back into a fully upright position. Her lips curl into a gentle smile, one that oddly feels comforting to him. He just can't place why. He nods his head, a soft smile of his own appearing over his lips. "Thank you Madam."

She gently reaches out and caresses the side of his face. "Open that when you wish. It is your instructions. Go over them with care, then burn the slip once you are done. Don't leave any trace of it behind." Lykas nods his head, his fingers curl around the slip tighter. The Viper steps back, a smile ghosting her lips as her gaze behind the blind fold falls onto his. "I will see you when you make your first report to me." Lykas watches her leave. He can see why she asked for him to meet her before dawn now, to give him time to prepare for what he has to do to start the mission.

Lykas is seated on the roof of the same building he met The Viper on a few hours prior. The sun is slowly rising over the horizon, the slip of paper is still clutched tightly in his palm. His eyes stare down at the piece of paper, his mind is blank. Yet he can feel his emotions preparing him.

Finally, he draws in a deep breath. Then, he starts to unfold the paper. It feels like a block of coal in his hand. The meaning of it blackening his fingertips with dust of regret and determination. He's slightly surprised to find the instructions are simple. He reads the information of the fake person behind his disguise. The Viper has gave him the objective of blending in as her, and easy ways to get close to the person she is targeting.

Once he's memorized the entire slip of paper, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a lighter. He does as he's told, and he burns the slip of paper.

As he does, he imagines the type of life he is going to give his siblings and he thinks of the ashes of the paper as their old one being burned away. He opens his hand, allowing the ashes to be carries off into the wind. A smile of relief subconsciously spreads across his lips. He then rises to his feet, and he makes his way down to the ground.

Only this time, he doesn't find himself walking home. He finds himself wandering through the city, endlessly. The people of the Black Mamba won't be awake yet, the sun is starting to settle fully into the sky. It's dusty light is casting over the rooftops of the buildings.

The Wonders of Hopes and Dreams By: Solinel FeatherHeartWhere stories live. Discover now