All the Lights in the Sky are Stars

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It was currently only a few moments before three in the morning. Everyone was slumbering peacefully with not a worry on any of their faces, though that wouldn't last for very long. The clock struck three and a loud alarm could be heard above them as the lights turned on. They all shot up in their cots, confused and surprised by this. Quinn appeared from a portal in the ground as the alarms stopped sounding.

"Get up, you pathetic sacks of shit," she boomed, looking around at all of the men. "You all don't deserve to get a proper night's rest for a long while. Not so long as you're acting as immature as you had been yesterday in the canteen!" She walked over to Leon who was getting dressed, like all the others. "Leon Kallis!"

Even though he had only managed to get on his pants, he stood tall as his name was called out. "Yes, ma'am."

"You initiated an altercation against your fellow recruits yesterday, correct?"

"Yes, ma'am-" As he spoke, he felt a heavy blow to his stomach. Quinn had punched him without hesitation.

"That was a rhetorical question. I gave you a test and you failed, Kallis." Quickly and effortlessly, Quinn pressed her hand down on Leon's shoulder, dropping him to the ground, and took him by his neck. A portal appeared on the floor which Quinn shoved his face into, though keeping his ears out of it. Currently, the portal had Leon's face in the ocean depths, more specifically, in shark-infested water. "Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn't send you out there as chum, Kallis." She pulled his head back out and as he was about to attempt to speak, she shoved his face back down through the portal. The sharks were starting to get closer to him with one opening its jaw wide, preparing to take a bite out of him, but before it could, Quinn pulled his face back out and released her hold on him, the portal soon closing as well.

Leon struggled for breath, coughing up seawater for a few moments before looking up at her. "It won't happen again, ma'am! I swear!"

While he was still trying to pick himself back up and regain his bearings, Quinn took a remote out from her pocket, pressing a button on it that raised the divider separating the men and women.

"Everyone here, no matter their reason for joining, has willingly decided to come here. There is no draft, this isn't a requirement by any of your nation's governments, this was purely your own decision. And with that being said, you're all here as recruits. None of you are better than the other, none of you are worse than the other. You all are at the bottom of the barrel together, and so I expect to see some proper comradery between each other, even if you despise the other person. Look around the room. All of you are family for the next three years, which means that I expect you to be acting like family. Picking each other up when needed, giving proper critiques when I, myself, am not present, giving your fellow recruits morale boosts when they need them. Things of that nature. What I will not tolerate is childish, immature acts towards one another, or acts with ill intent towards one another. I follow a two-strike system. I give you one chance to correct yourselves and if you fail to do so, I will have you kicked out of Eden and ensure that it permanently stains your record so long as you live. Is that understood?"

"Yes ma'am," were the next two words to come out of everybody's mouth once Quinn asked that question.

"Good. Now, all of you finish getting ready and head for the canteen. You'll have thirty minutes to eat before training begins. File out."

Soma and the others began to walk out of the room with all of the others. This certainly was one way to start the day, that was for sure.

After a quiet breakfast for every one of the recruits, they were currently running outside, doing laps around the island with Quinn leading them. Today was her assessment of where they all stood in terms of both physical status and intelligence. The Takaharan trio always led the pack no matter what the assessment was about, however, their placements varied depending on what it was. For the one's demanding speed and agility, Soma was on top. For the one's demanding strength, Kiba easily took the cake there. Hifumi consistently was ranked second in the three aforementioned assessments, but she was number one regarding tests of endurance and explosiveness. Galen however, was always in the middle of the pack for everything, not being better than the average recruit at any assessment. Though that wasn't to say he wasn't doing well, it was simply that inhuman feats being done by the Soma, Kiba, and Hifumi were impossible to compare to.

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