Chapter 11

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Two serpavix were soaring low over the Mare Maestoso, casting fleeting shadows upon the water's shimmering surface. The brown one, whose feathers in flight were a tapestry of autumn—burnt oranges, deep browns, and flashes of golden light—flew over the dam wall. Passing over, its wings folded, and it plummeted straight down over a hundred feet before slowly stretching its wings out again and gliding down over the water.

 Passing over, its wings folded, and it plummeted straight down over a hundred feet before slowly stretching its wings out again and gliding down over the water

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As it entered the water, its wings became soaked and flowed tight to its body. As quick as it landed, it vanished underwater. Its wings spread back out as it flew toward the beaches below the Indecent Falls. Once it made it near the battlefield, it poked just its head above water and observed.


The Guardian of Life in her serpavix form was a majestic sight as she banked toward land and above the forest. Her plumes of emerald and teal carry the essence of the forest. The feathers are edged with fresh leaves intertwined in her wings. Her glowing green eyes pierced the forest to see all life on, above, and below the ground.

 Her glowing green eyes pierced the forest to see all life on, above, and below the ground

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Her feathers ripple with each turn between the trees as she swooped down to skim over the land. As she flew out of the trees, she swept back up high into the sky over Lower Elmsk, looking for signs of the magicians. None being in Lower Elmsk, she continued over Upper Elmsk.

There she saw ten magicians. Five groups of two each walked into different homes and interrogating people. Luckily, she made it before they made it before any were harmed.

However, it was too late for this not to be costly for her. She landed on the chapel to help draw strength. With an altar to her Godly Mother inside, she could draw from that power. Her body couldn't be seen from below, but her head peaked out beyond the roof.

With the extra strength, she reached out into the minds of each set of magicians and altered their memories. She couldn't brute force it, but had to invade their minds and add memories of them visiting all the other houses in the city. While she listened to their questions to each person in the house they were in, she made similar questions and answers for the remaining people in town.

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