The Story Begins

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Felix was walking down the hall to his last class of the day, waving at the few people still lingering in the halls. He quickly made his way to his lecture hall and scanned the large room for his best friend Jackson. When he finally spotted him, he went over and sat down immediately. Jackson put his arm around Felix's shoulders and pulled him in close. "Why didn't you come to my party last night? It was a great fucking time!" Felix rolled his eyes and turned to look at Jackson. "I told you that I had to study. Besides, I have work after school, and being hungover wouldn't help much." He pushed his friend's arm off him and got his books out as the teacher walked into the room to start the lesson. He hears Jackson sigh beside him, but he keeps looking straight ahead and ignoring his childish friend.

When the lesson was over, Felix packed up his things and said goodbye to Jackson before heading over to his job at the local bakery, Cozy Confections. Walking through the door, he looked around the place that felt like his second home. It had a wall with floor-to-ceiling windows that lit up the bakery with a calming light. This went well with the light-colored furniture and relaxing ambiance of the place. He went to the back to change into his uniform of a white button-up and his usual blue jeans. He double-checked his outfit before taking his spot behind the counter. He was busying himself with cleaning up and making sure the displays were filled when he heard the bell above the door ding. He looked up to see 4 men dressed in very chic-looking black clothes walking in. "Hello! Welcome to Cozy Confections. My name is Felix. What can I get you all to eat or drink today?"

3 of the men went to sit at a table in the back while the 4th went up to the counter to order. His blonde hair is slicked back, and Felix could see a tattoo peeking from under his shirt. He smiled at Felix, and it was like looking into the sun as Felix couldn't help but smile right back. Felix could've sworn he had seen the man before, but he couldn't quite place him. "Hi there, Felix. Can I get 4 iced americanos and 4 of your favorite pastries?" "You definitely can. That will be $25.50. Cash or card?" "Card." "Alright. Insert the card whenever you're ready." The man pays and Felix tells him that his food will be ready shortly and will be brought to their table. Felix watches until he can't see the stranger anymore and starts working on their food. He decides to give them a slice of cheesecake, a slice of strawberry cake, an eclair, and one of his chocolate brownies. After dishing up all their items he carries the tray to the table and sets them down. The same man from before thanks him and Felix can't help but note how kind and warm he feels. He radiates golden retriever energy and Felix finds it ironic as it contrasts with his dark outfit. He chuckles to himself before standing back up and double-checking that the table had everything they needed.

Felix walks back to the counter and cleans up his work area before moving around the bakery and making sure everything is where it belongs. He serves a few more customers before the kind stranger walks back up to him. This time the 3 from before also stood with him. Felix looks at each of them individually and notes how handsome each of them looks in their own way. The man who ordered is buff, but he has an aura about him that makes you feel calm. The man to his left has more pointed features and cat-like eyes. He has black hair that covers his eyes and a "don't fuck with me" attitude. On the right side is the most muscular man Felix has probably ever seen. He looks like he could fight a bear and win. He looks intimidating and Felix has a hard time keeping eye contact with him. He looks away and takes in the last man. He has long black hair that's been tied into a bun and sunglasses adorning his head. He looks Felix up and down then pulls out his phone and starts typing. The cat-like man pulls out his phone moments later and starts typing as well. Felix finally looks back at the first stranger and asks if he needs anything else. He orders another brownie and a hot cocoa to go for someone named Jisung. After getting their order they walk out of the bakery and Felix watches as they disappear down the street.

When his shift is finally over, he goes to the backroom to change his clothes and grab his belongings. He double-checked everything was off before walking out and locking the door. On his way home he decides to go to the park for a little bit. Once he gets there, he goes to his favorite spot under the flowery alcove. He put on his earbuds and leaned back to enjoy the scenery and how calm everything was. He pulled out his phone and decided to take some photos since photography is a big hobby of his. He walked around taking pictures of nature, animals, the busy store fronts, anything that caught his eye really. When he was done, he walked across the street to a convenience store to pick up things for dinner. By the time his apartment complex came into view, it was late and all he wanted to do was get inside and rest after his busy day. 

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