Caving In

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Chan and Minho walked out to join the others in the living room who all had sad faces at hearing Felix's sobs. Chan's face fell when he saw Jisung crying on Changbin's lap. He crouched down in front of him, "Hey honey. Can you tell Daddy what's wrong? Why are you crying, sweetie?" Jisung looked up and threw himself into Chan's arms. "Woah baby. Daddy's got you." He walked around and lightly bounced Jisung on his hip trying to soothe him. The members looked on sadly as they watched their baby crying in Chan's arms. The tears eventually subsided, and Chan managed to get Jisung to speak up.

"Wixie no wike me daddy! Wanted to pway wiff him an he wan off! Don wike when hims mad wike dat." The members all looked at him sadly when he said that. Seungmin spoke up next, "Awh bubs. We're sorry he made you feel like that. We'll talk to him about it okay?" They continued comforting Jisung until Hyunjin and Changbin decided to go talk to Felix again. They stood up and slowly made their way to Felix's room and knocked on the door. "Baby? Can we come in please?" They shared a look when all they received was silence.

They slowly pushed the door open and walked in shocked at the sight before them. Felix had managed to climb out of the crib and the room had been trashed. Toys, clothes, blankets, and more had more strewn all over the room and in the middle of it all was a visibly upset and red-faced Felix. They gasped and looked at him, but it was Changbin who spoke up. "Would you care to explain why you did this to your things, darling?" They received a glare before he spoke, "I'm not a fucking baby! I don't want any of this shit! Let me go home!" Hyunjin sighed and walked to sit in the rocking chair, "Felix. I'm gonna tell you something and I need you to listen to me. Okay?"

Felix turned his gaze on him but didn't say anything. Hyunjin sighed and continued, "I know this is all new for you and you don't like it. But whatever issues you have with us, you know Jisung has nothing to do with it. He doesn't deserve to have his feelings hurt for something the rest of us wanted. Feel free to yell and fight us if that's what you want but leave him out of it." Felix looked at him and sighed. He knows that Hyunjin is right as much as he hates to admit it. He nodded at both of them and vowed to himself in that moment to not hurt Jisung's feelings on purpose. "I know he has nothing to do with this. And I didn't mean to make him cry when I ran off."

Both caregivers sighed at Felix's words, glad to hear him agreeing. Changbin spoke up this time, "Good. I'm glad you understand and agree. Now how about you help us clean up this mess and then you can go apologize to Jisung, hmm?" Felix begrudgingly agreed and helped them pick the things back up and 15 minutes later the room was looking a lot better. Hyunjin spoke up again, "Alright peanut. It's time for you to apologize." He grabbed Felix's hand, and they walked out to the living room. Felix slowly walked up to Jisung who was still perched in Chan's arms. "Jisung," he called out quietly. Jisung slowly lifted his head and peeked out at him. Felix sighed not sure how to start his apology. "I'm uh...I'm sorry for making you cry earlier. I didn't mean to do that."

Felix's eyes widened in shock when Jisung wrapped him up in a hug. "Is otay. But don' do it 'gain." Felix nodded confused as Jisung kept holding onto him. "Uhhh can you let me go? Please?" Jisung blushed and pulled his arms back and curled back into Chan's chest. The members were all smiling at Felix's apology. "That was very nice of you bub," Seungmin said. Felix nodded and sat on the couch with them too. The air in the room grew a bit awkward so Jeongin decided to break it by recommending a movie night. "Soo how about we watch something on the TV?" Felix shrugged as the others all agreed excitedly. "What do you wanna watch Felix?" He shrugged again and curled up on the couch.

The caregivers all sighed and decided to just watch the Harry Potter movies until dinner time. Everyone cuddled up together except for Felix who moved to the other end of the couch from everyone else. They let him be since he was behaving and just focused on the movie. A little bit later his throat was feeling dry, so he spoke up. "Uhm excuse me?" They all turned to look at him with mixed looks of confusion and concern. "Yes, honey," Minho spoke up. "Could I have something to drink?" Minho smiled at him, "Of course. What would you like?" Felix thought about it for a bit before shrugging, "Just some ice water would be fine." Minho nodded before standing up and returning a few minutes later with a sippy cup of ice water. "Here you are, baby." Felix glared at the sippy cup and then at Minho. "Do you seriously expect me to use that?" Minho nodded and sat the cup beside Felix's leg. "I do. Because that's what little boys use. You can either drink from that or go thirsty."

Felix glared at him as he sat back down on the couch and the movie resumed. He eyed the sippy cup before turning his head back to the movie and trying to ignore his sore throat. As the movie progressed, his throat was getting more and more sore, and he kept eyeing the cup. Eventually, he couldn't take it anymore and picked up the cup to take a quick drink. The caregivers all smirked to themselves when they saw Felix drinking from the sippy cup. Slowly but surely, they were turning Felix into the good little boy he was born to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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