Part : 25 Blessings!

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After, Wei Wuxian stared at him for long time, Lan Wangji wore his robes but then Wei Wuxian felt water floating sound, "Lan zhan, do you feel something strange happening?"

Lan Wangji paid no attention to him as began to move further.

"Lan zhan!"

Lan Wangji immediately turned his head as Wei wuxian was now where to be seen, he grabbed Bichen and but suddenly he got pulled into water by some strange force.

After a moment, When Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji opened their eyes, they found themselves in a strange tunnel, what exactly beneath Cold Spring. Wei Wuxian was coughing due to almost got drowned in water. The tunnel was filled with water, only till knees, they could still stand there.

"What's this place?" questioned Wei Wuxian.

The twins jade and others Lan's also looked confused.

"Cold cave!" replied Lan Huang and Wei wuxian nodded his head although he didn't got what was it meant.

Wei Wuxian take a breath, "Lan zhan, what is this place?" he coughed, "Why there is a swirling tunnel beneath the Cold Spring?"

However, Lan Wangji didn't replied but walked forward, Wei Wuxian was shivering in cold, "What is this place, soo weird. The water is extremely cold but won't freeze."

Seeing Lan Wangji walking forward, Wei Wuxian also followed him. After walking for few minutes, they reached a place, covered in fog. however, there was a blank place, right beside the water floating. A Guqin was placed on a huge square shape stone. Lan Wangji made his way towards the Guqin. Wei Wuxian when saw a new thing, got excited as he also run after Lan Wangji but before he could enter the blank space, he got thrown back as a blue ray from Guqin that pushed him. Wei Wuxian, "What is this thing?"

Lan Wangji, "Chord assassination!"

Wei Wuxian, "Chord assassination? Isn't that a peculiar trick of your clan?"

"Gu-mu!" exclaimed Lan Huang, as it belongs to his aunt.

"Huh?" the others also got confused.

"Chord assassination technique is only used by Gege and Gu-mu!" exclaimed Lan fimei as her eyes got widened.

"Is this mean?" questioned Lan qiren in disbelief.

Lan Wangji turned his head back toward Guqin, Wei wuxian bent down as it again attacked him. Wei Wuxian could barely take a breath as it was attacking on his again and again, "What's happening? Why are they all coming for me?"

Lan Wangji saw the graving on that Guqin was Lan's seal, it will not attack him, probably because it can sense him as a member of the Lan clan. However, It again attack Wei wuxian as he closed hia eyes but this time, Lan Wangji blocked it by sending his sword infront of him. Wei Wuxian, not feeling any damage opened his eyes, his eyes got widened as he saw many numbers of rabbits on the left side of blank space.

Lan Wangji, "How come this rabbit is wearing Lan's forehead ribbon?"

Senior Lan siblings smiled.

"Lan zhan, have you guys officially lost your brain's, like making poor rabbits wear forehead ribbon, seriously?" exclaimed Wei wuxian in amusement.

Lan zhan didn't replied to him as he was already confused enough.

As Wei wuxian heard him, he thought, 'I heard that every member of Lan Sect wears a forehead ribbon, ever since they are child, it's important. How came the rabbit wearing this ribbon as well? Important... Ribbon!'

𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 [] 𝐌𝐝𝐳𝐬 ✓Where stories live. Discover now