What a Hassle.

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The unusual beckoning of his alarm clock had caused Twilight to awake in a rather odd way. For starters the man had toppled off the bed and flung his clock at the wall and as he stood half  awake now staring at what once was, one of the few things he actually took with him for his various undercover missions.  The spy was certainly losing his edge, he usually beat his alarm by waking up everyday at 4:29. Exasperated, Twilight checked the time on his phone, wincing at the sudden light hitting his eyes. 5:14AM. He'd spent all night working out ways to complete Operation Strixx before things got too out of hand. Especially after the terrorist attack a couple of days back and although the Handler did allow Anya to keep one of the dogs as a reward for her getting a Stella star, he couldn't jeopardise the mission again. 

Sighing heavily, he threw on a fitting t-shirt, one that hugged his body just right, as well as  some loose pants and went to the bathroom to 'freshen up'.  His hair was a dirty blonde colour and rested messily on his forehead, personally he liked it that way but did part it to the right before leaving the house.  Once he got up he took it upon himself to clean the apartment, after all Yor and Anya were fast asleep  and Bond- well he was a dog. The sun soon welcomed the living room tinting it a warm orange hue, and just as it did, like clockwork Twilight could hear soft footsteps making their way to the bathroom. It would be a lie if the man said he didn't know who it was but he did twist his head to greet the figure.

"Yor, good morning. You're certainly up quite early today." He smiled, his most charming one if he could say himself. 

"Oh, Loid. Uh Good Morning." His so called wife stuttered out, Twilight was used to her nervous behaviour although  he did find it a bit of a hassle to convince that he was truly a psychiatrist.  

"Ah I was called into the hall a bit early today" Yor smiles putting on her boots,

 " Could you please tell Anya I said good morning and to have a great day at school?"

"Ah but breakfas-" 

"I'll eat out!" With that she bolted out the door.

Just great.


Twilight glances up from his newspaper at the clock, placing his glasses down  he walks up and knocks on the little girl's door. "Anya, Get up you'll be late."

The response is a mumble of gibberish but thats all he needs to hear as he starts making breakfast. The sizzling sound of frying eggs rhythmically fills his ears and the wafting scent invites the company of the dog who comes up to him wagging his tail. 

"Sorry Bond, I don't think dog's can eat th-"

"AHH I'M LATE!" The pink haired girl sprints around the room, hopping in an attempt to put on her school shoes, Anya sits down and practically inhales the food he served her.

 "Oi, You'll choke, chew."   The spy puts his hand on his hips sighing, and they make their way to the bus stop.

After the yellow automobile left, he walked home and flopped onto his bed, closing his eyes. The peace was once again interrupted by the ringing of his phone. 

 "Good morning Twilight, or rather, good evening"

What a hassle.

I'm sorry it took me so long to update. I have exams and am barely passing math 😭

Dont forget to eat, sleep and stay hydrated my lovelies and vote for this if you hate math!

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