Chapter 2 - Hopeless Thoughts

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(A/N) hey, I'm gonna try and make this all in luna's POV, but i make no promises! and I'm sorry i Haven updated in a while but if I'm honest with you i completely forgot i had this story and when i did update it my computer crashed and deleted the whole book so yeah, sorry about that guys.

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I ran down the hallway with his words ringing in my mind 'Little loony freak!' those same words kept repeating themselves, i got jostled out of my thoughts as i ran into a solid stone pillar.

i heard giggling coming from a little further down the hall way, Oh no,i slowly turned round hoping it wasn't the one person i really did not. want to see right now.

i turned round to see her. The one person who can ruin somebody's whole existence at Hogwarts. Pansy Parkinson. "If I was you i seriously wouldn't go flaunting around your love for Draco, He's mine and he always will be, he loves me and will never love a little freak like you!" she snarled at me and shoved me on the floor.

Maybe she's right, why would i even think Draco would like somebody as Pathetic as me. Its never going to happen. I crawled up into a ball right in the middle of the hall way and cried. why should i care? people already think I'm ' The pathetic Loony Lovegood'  so i might as well prove them right, just as i was having these thoughts about my self i heard more footsteps coming towards me, Calling my name "Luna?, Luna are you hear? please answer us? were worried!"

But i didn't just hear one pair this time,i heard at least 4 pairs.Confused i lifted my head up wondering who could possibly be out of class, risking detention, looking for me? i stayed quiet trying to listen to these 4 mysterious people looking for me. "Harry, where could she possibly be? I'm worried! Draco really put her down back there." well there was one voice, which I'm sure was Ginny's voice, and now i know Harry is there, so that must mean?... The Golden Trio and My Best Friend were out looking for me? 

shocked, i stood up and brushed off the dust from my clothes. "LUNA! We finally found you!"  i was knocked to the floor again as my best friend came flying towards me to give me a hug. i giggled and hugged her back, realizing that maybe i did have friends that cared about me? "yes, you found me? but why were you looking for me? i asked concerned i may already know the answer.. me and Ginny    parted from our hug and helped each other stand up, brushing our clothes off once again. as i looked up i saw them. the golden trio. looking directly at me with concern flooding their faces,  "Luna.."  a worried Hermione stepped forward with a tear in her eye, "are you okay? we saw what happened back there.." she looked down at her shoes almost quiltily, ron stepped forward and put his arm round hermione in a friendly comforting way. 

"Luna, were sorry, we should have stepped in and stopped that ferret hurting you!" Ron rushed out, so is this what Hermione was upset about? because they didn't help me? " its fine guys, honest! you couldn't have really done anything!" i looked at harry who was stood far away and hadn't said anything yet, he looked up feeling all eyes on him, anger was plastered all over his face and his wand gripped in his hand, turning his knuckles white with fury. "Harry? Are you okay?" asked me and Ginny in sync, who was still stood next to me. 

"I should go back and rip that bloody idiots head off! no body can be so harsh to somebody!" Harry shakily answered. "oh, its fine harry! i can fight my own battles!" i rushed over and hugged him trying to calm him down, Ginny stepped in " how about we all go back to the common room and calm down a bit? I'm sure we can sneak Luna in?" we all agreed and soon after they had accomplished to sneak me into the gryfindor common room where we were all drinking butter beer

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