27. let go

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If someone told me a year ago that I would be riding down 26th Street in a limousine to walk down a red carpet, I would have laughed.

But here I was, sat beside my girlfriend and all of our friends. Rin's face was glued to the window, oo's and ah's falling from her lips. Jayce was tinged with green, nausea and nerves plaguing him worse and worse the closer we got to the venue.

Our outfits were themed, a trademark of Montague & Co: black and red.

Our cohorts and Rin wore black with red accents, while Laurie and I wore a matching pantsuit and dress combo. The bottoms were a deep black that slowly morphed into a scarlet red at the shoulders. We looked like a team, well coordinated and ready for the night ahead.

"I really am going to puke," Jayce moaned.

Laurie sighed and rubbed his knee. "It will all be okay, Jayce. I promise."

The limo stopped. Our surroundings were bright with the flash of cameras, loud with the shouting from the press. Swallowing my own anxiety and bracing my confidence, I followed the graceful exit of the limousine. Laurie held her arm out for me, which I happily looped my own through.

"You will do amazing. You are so, so beautiful, my darling," she murmured quietly into my ear. Goosebumps rose across my shoulders and arms.

We walked in our little group, almost as if each of us were the others' shield of protection. Emotionless, we marched down the red carpet. Laurie paused a few times to smile, wave, and make nice.

"Ms. Montague! Ms. Montague, who is that on your arm?" A random stranger yelled at us in his best attempt to garner attention.

My face flushed and I shook my head slowly. Laurie cleared her throat, turned around, and smiled wide at the paparazzi.

"This is my personal assistant and girlfriend, Mackenzie Williams. The woman who keeps my life together— and keeps me in line!" Laurie winked and laughter bubbled out of the surrounding individuals.

How long? How did you meet? Mackenzie— what did you do to pull the Laurie Montague?

Questions flew past us like arrows. Amidst the press calling for our attention, the people surrounding them were murmuring to themselves and glaring at me and Laurie. Plenty of them did nothing to hide their disdain at my curvaceous body in a form fitting dress—

Jealousy. Imagine being jealous of me. Champagne bubbles of pleasure and confidence fizzed in my soul and I smiled against Laurie's shoulder, hiding my face.

"Alright— that's enough. Come with me," a worker demanded gruffly.

I waved my goodbye shyly, biting my lower lip. A bombardment of questions assaulted our eardrums, but Laurie and the carpet workers ushered us away towards the inside of the venue. Once we were inside, we all let out a tremendous breath of air.

"Are you alright?" Laurie's voice was tinted with worry. Her arm slid around my waist, pulling me close, protective and defensive.

"Yeah— that...That wasn't bad. Why?" I crinkled my nose in confusion.

"A lot of people, they—" she paused briefly. When she spoke again, it was slower, as if it was scripted. "They were looking at you. It can be overwhelming, with all the eyes and the voices—"

"They said some mean things, and looked at me funny, but that doesn't matter," I reassured, smiling. "I have you. And everyone I care about is here. That, that is what matters."

Rin's face was pale, as if she had seen a ghost. I nudged her shoulder and gave her a quick smile, receiving one in return. Overwhelmed? I mouthed. She nodded aggressively, hands wringing in front of her. I mimed some breathing exercises with her, cursing the crowded room that jostled us around just as I calmed her down.

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