Chapter 15 - Rating Game

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After the ORC had left the familiar forest ,they discussed what happened in the Familiar Forest.

Rias: Seriously you getting the strongest Dragon King as a Familiar is madness and the fact that you fought her while holding back

Issei: Well it was unexpected , but then I had to end it because there's a game and a fight for freedom I need to prepare to. Rias don't worry I'll win this.

Rias: I have no doubt on that anymore. Just don't get hurt.

Issei: I won't.

Timeskip 4 Days later.

Grayfia: Welcome everyone to this rating game between Issei Hyoudou and Lord Riser Phoenix, I am Grayfia Lucifuge, a maid in service of the Gremory Family and chosen Arbitrator of this rating game. As per advice from Lady Rias and Lord Riser the field will he a direct replica of Kuoh Academy, the school Lady Rias goes to. Each side has 30 minutes prepare, pawns can promote when they reach enemy territory, Good Luck.

Issei: This Fried Chicken is a fool, its basically homeground advantage. I'll be sure to make it interesting.

Riser: Lord Riser , this human is a fool ,he'll die before he reaches me.

30 Minutes Later,

Grayfia: May the Rating Game begin.

The rating game begins and Issei heads to the gym where he finds ,Xuelan , Nel ,Ile and Mira waiting.

Issei: So who are you?

Xuelan: I'm Xuelan ,Rook

Ile & Nel: We're Twins and Pawns , I'm Ile and she's Nel

Issei: Seriously!!! Middle School Kids!?

Mira: You know me, I'm a pawn, now prepare to suffer human.

Issei: Well then I shall make this quick and painless for yall.

Issei then unleashes a low powered Ice attack, which eliminates the three pawns.

Grayfia: Phoenix ,Three Pawns Eliminated

Issei and Xuelan ,go at each other in a straight fist fight, but Issei's superior technique and power bests Xuelan.

Grayfia: Phoenix, 1 Rook Eliminated

As Issei finished off Xuelan , He senses an immediate explosion above him and barely avoids it.

Yubelluna: I'm surprised you managed to avoid that, no matter , you'll be out soon enough.

Issei: Overconfidence is the downfall of many, as it will be of yours.

Trading blows the two bring a large amount of destruction, at the end of it, Yubelluna is panting while Issei isn't even heaving.

Issei: It seems you're tired , hmmmm, let me just end this now.

[Boost ×20]

Issei charges a lightning attack boosted by Ddraig which he fires at Yubelluna, and it eliminates her along with half of the athletics track.

Grayfia: Phoenix Queen ,Eliminated

At this point, the Gremory Peerage know he's just toying with them, with Sirzechs and Serafall looking impressed while Grayfia though subtle cracks a small proud smile ,knowing her nephew is going to win it.

Lord Phoenix: That boy is the Red Dragon Emperor!!!!!?????

Rias: Yes , Riser made a big mistake challenging him.

Zeoticus: I'm surprised, he's already taken out a quarter of the peerage, who is he?

Sirzechs: You shall find out soon enough. But he's extremely powerful.

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