1~ The Fine Art of Bullshitting.

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"What's your New Year's resolution, Phsyco?"

The dark-haired boy's face was blank. "I don't do New Year's Resolutions."

Extrovert frowned. "That's a bit sad."

Boredom rolled her eyes, turning up her music. 

Phsyco shrugged. "Is it.?"

"Well, we all have New Year resolutions; even Anxiety."

Anxiety's round chocolate-coloured eyes widened. She squeaked, scribbling something down in her notebook, cheeks flaming. Her thoughts raced.

"What are you drawing, 'Xiety?"

Anxiety shut the book quickly, shaking her head. "Nothing. Sorry."

A loud sound burst out from the speakers. Mute jumped, "SHIT." He said. Everyone stared. Extrovert stared jaw on the floor. "What did you just say, Mute?"

Mute stared, writing something down in his notebook, and showing it to them. *Nothing. Why?*

Insomnia sighed, taking a sip from her coffee. "Nothing. Sleep Deprivation, I love you, but turn the fucking music down- I haven't slept all night."

Sleep Deprivation rolled his eyes, scrolling on his phone. "Oh-my-gosh." He gasped.

Jealousy glanced over. "What is it." She said plainly.

"I've just reached 700 followers on Snapchat!" He squealed. Jealousy's face dropped, getting out her phone. "No fair! I've only got 699." She took a quick selfie with some filter on. "There- that should,- WHAT?! Somebody just unfollowed me?!"

Phsyco sniggered. "Bet it's coz of your ugly face."

Peace frowned. "that's not very nice."

Jealousy left the room sobbing.

"Wimp." Muttered Extrovert.

"That's not very nice." Repeated Peace. 

"Shuddup-" Groaned Insomnia. "I just want ONE nap-"


Introvert stared, unsure whether to help or not. Extrovert leapt up.

"What is it?"

"Cockroach." She whimpered. Introvert screamed. "NOPE NO NO NO NOPE'M NOT GOING-"

Mute scooped it up, chucking the bug out the window silently. Everyone gaped. "OUR HERO!" Cheered Extrovert, getting down from the couch. Everyone cheered with him. "MUTE MUTE MUTE MUTE MUTE MUTE-"

Insomnia huffed, picking up her pillows and duvet and stomping off. "There's never any peace- Not you, Peace- around here."

Peace shrugged. "The less the merrier."

First chapter done! :,D

I think this is ok?? I dunno:) Its pretty short but the next one will be longer-_- <33 bye guys

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