7~ Things Historians Pretend Aren't Gay

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Extrovert glanced up at the excited Kindness. "Wa' is it?"

"Something gay."  He says eagerly.

Positivity shut her laptop. "I'm listening."

Kindness grinned. "So, according to google-"

Boredom rolled her eyes. "aCcOrDinG tO gOoGle-" SHe mimicked.


"Uhh...as I was saying," Continued Kindness nervously. "So-so, King James I of England was gay, an-and Google says this: Young as "​​the most prominent homosexual figure in the early modern period." Married to Anne of Denmark, James is thought to have had relationships with several male courtiers — most notably, George Villiers, whom he made the Earl and later the Duke of Buckingham."

Kindness ran his tongue over his top lip nervously. "Can you believe that? It's pretty cool."

LGBTQ+ Rights jumped up from behind the couch, Dorito dust around their mouth and on their hands. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING?! ITS BLOODY AMAZING!"


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