Miami heatwave!

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Last week was a bit inappropriate so I'm hoping this weeks going to be better!

We all walk into the studio for pyramid

"Let's go girls! Come on!" Miss Abby says
"Last weeks competition fire and ice elite was a big disappointment ladies, I mean here we are invited back as winners and you guys don't even place? Unacceptable. 7 of you weren't in unison the group needs to be cleaner understand?"

We all nod and I look down

"Alright now let me get onto the pyramid." Miss Abby says

"First I have Mackenzie, I think your acting could've been bigger and longer and I think when you walk we need to work on turning your feet out."

"Next I have Paige, I was in the dressing room all day with you I didn't see you utilising you're spare time and you need to do that."

"Next Nia, I just need to see more from you."

"Next we have Chloe,Chloe I thought you did a nice job on your solo but your age is ten and you competing ten to twelve you have to dance like a twelve year old."

"Moving up we have Brooke, once again you danced thirteen to fifteen you won the whole division."

"Next we have Maddie, you did a nice job on your solo just as soon as I thought you were a winner your sister comes and beats you again."
Maddie nods and looks down

"And on top of the pyramid maya, maya your solo was beautiful you won first place. Congratulations."

"Thank you." I smile

"Alright now this weekend we will be travelling to Miami Beach Florida!" Miss Abby starts

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"Alright now this weekend we will be travelling to Miami Beach Florida!" Miss Abby starts

"AHHH!" We all cheer and I grab maddies hands

"There's sun there's sand and there's pool boys, we will all be performing a group number." Miss Abby says

"Even me?" Mackenzie says raising her hand

"Even you." Miss Abby laughs

"Yay" Mackenzie cheers and i smile at her

"The group number is called reputation I want you to think about net from the chello and Frankie Avalon and beach blanket bingo." Miss Abby says 

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion

What does that mean?

"Now moms when the girls get home tonight I want you to look at some of those old movies I want the girls to see what that's all about because that's going to be their group number it's 60s it's pony it's swim it's cute cute cute fun in the sun." Miss abby says

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