Kul fluff

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Kai's pov:

I'm in the car driving. My boyfriend, Yul, is next to me. We're going to the cinema to watch a movie. It was 2pm. Yul was very quiet.
"Hey love, is everything okay?" I ask
"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just tired from overworking."

Yul works as a model & K-pop star. His voice sounds like an angel.

We arrived and I parked. Yul looked a bit tired.

"Hey, you can relax  now."
He nodded, and we went inside.
I bought us some popcorn and drinks.
"Popcorn?" Yul says.
"I never had it as a kid. I wasn't allowed to have them. My mom was very strict on that type of stuff."
"Well, it's time to try it then, I guess." I say.
Yul slightly smiles. "Yeah, Im kind of excited to try it."
"Yeah, it's really good." I say.

They went inside the movie theater.
Once they sat down, the movie started. Kai grabbed some popcorn. Yul picked one to try it since he had never eaten popcorn before. "Wow, this is amazing."

After the movie ended, the popcorn box was empty.
"This movie was so funny." I say.
"I agree. Thank you for taking me out." Yul said.
We went outside and got in the car. We kissed, and I drove home.

Yul fell asleep in the car, so I held him and brought him inside. I placed him on the bed, kissing his forehead. I lay next to him and decided to scroll on my phone a bit until Yul woke up.
"Huh, what time is it?" He asked.
"It's 6pm."
"Mhm, okay. Let's go to the living room."
I nod as we walk there.
"Do you want some tea?" I ask.
"Yeah, sure!"
I make some tea for both of us and sit down next to Yul. We cuddled on the couch and just relaxed.
"I love you, Kai."
"I love you too, Yul."



They're so cute😭😭

- Sander, 330 words.

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