Chapter Twenty-Five

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Rin and Bolt were on their way to specimen. "I hate that mist stuff." Bolt said with a sigh, "I hate how it just-" He cut off at the door to specimen opening.

Ion and Mio were there. Mio turned to look at them, "Ello. How are you two doin' on thi' fine day?"

Bolt was shocked by his kind tone. He seems nice. Maybe we will get alo-

Ion nudged Mio's side, "Don't be nice to them. The Cyan one is an Impostor." her voice was colder than ice itself, "It doesn't help that she managed to get a crewmate to help her."

Or not.

Rin stepped back shocked, "I-"

"See? Told you Mio. She's just like them." Them. Ion had said that one word colder than Rin had ever heard anyone say in her whole life.

"I guess you were right. She i' an pretender. Well. Time to take care o' business." Mio pulled out what seemed to be a metal staff, "I'll take care o' the pretender."

Ion nodded and pulled out her railgun, "Damn... it has to charge up." she sighed as she put it back on her back, "How about this Bolt, I'll give you one chance to redeem yourself. Are you fine with that?" She looked at Mio, who was still standing next to her, and then back at Bolt. "No need to answer. Kill Rin and we will spare your life."

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