trevek angst/fluff

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A/n: it's one-sided at first, but then yeah, just read it.

Trevor's pov:

I'm currently somewhere in the woods, alone. I feel horrible. Derek has been getting very close with Kristal. He's even staring to be rude to me. I just wanna cry it all out, although I'm trying to stay strong.

I've liked Derek for a long time now. Before season 1 of Disventure Camp started. I sit against a tree, holding my knees.

"Hey Trevor, what's up with you?"
It's Emily. "Oh, uh, I'm okay."
"I know you're not, listen, you can talk to me."
"Okay, well, uh, it's about Derek and Kristal. I'm just afraid Derek is replacing me and that he is starting to hate me."

Emily looks at me. "Oh, trust me, he doesn't hate you. I don't know if he likes you, though. I haven't asked him."
"Okay, well, I just want him to at least be friendly to me again."
"I could talk to him for you."
"Would you?"
"Well, sure!"
"Thank you." I say, still sniffing.

Emily walks away.

Emily's pov:

I walk over to Derek, who's with Kristal, my girlfriend.

"Derek, we need to talk." I say.
"Why?" He asks.
"Just go, Derek." Kristal says.
"Ugh, fine."

We walk off somewhere else.
"It's about Trevor." I say.
I notice immediate worry on Derek's face.
"What happened? Where is he? Is he okay?"
"Do you like Trevor?"
"What? I mean, of course not!" He says, blushing.
"Are you sure?" I say teasingly.
"Uhm, I do like him. Ugh, it's so hard because I know he doesn't like me. AT ALL."
"I might have news for you."
"What? He likes me?"
I nod. "He told me an hour ago."
"Oh wow, should I talk to him?"
"I think you should. He has been crying all day."
"Okay, I'm on my way right now!" He says.
"Simp." I say.

Derek's pov:

I find Trevor in the woods. His eyes are puffy from crying. He still seems to be crying.

"Trevor, are you okay?"
"Derek, what are you doing here?"
"I just wanna say sorry for being so rude. I just felt so many emotions around you, I didn't know how to deal with them."
"Derek, I don't know what to say."
"Don't say anything." I kiss him.
He kisses me back. Both of us are blushing hard when we break the kiss.
"I'm in love with you, Trevor."
"I'm in love with you, too."
We smile at each other as he places his hand on my mine.

Emily and Kristal walk toward us. "I see you guys are good again." Kristal says.
"We are." I say, as I put my arm around Trevor.
"Thanks again, Emily." Trevor says.
"It's nothing, I just wanted yall to be happy."



- Sander, 471 words.

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