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Thunderclaps and lightenings made the night light up like it was as clear as day. The moon was full and bright, shining as if in great delight, as if smiling enthusiastically.

A girl almost tripped and fell in the dark hall, she leaned over, her hand leaving blood traces on the wall.

Her frowning face betrayed her pain, her sparkling eyes captured her dread. With the left hand she was holding her tummy, it only looked like she ate too much for night. Tears escaped her eyes as she rushed in a storage room.

She closed the door, her feet shaking as she tore a piece of her dress. Laid down and put the clothing between her teeth.

As the hero academy was deep asleep and dreaming, the girl was feeling as if her bones were breaking in repeat. Her sweat burned on her face, she clenched her jaw like a beast to survive from the pain.

That night was silent, no shriek betrayed her, only the immature cry of a baby. Her baby. Her feet ceased trembling, this small room felt so hot and suffocating.

As her chest faintly began to slow down from moving up and down, when she realized that her heart wouldn't burst out, she looked at the bloody lake surrounding her legs.

She widened her eyes in disbelief and anticipation, rushed to lift the crying baby and close his mouth to stop his crying. "Hush, don't make a sound", she whispered in despair and as if a miracle the baby boy stopped crying.

She took away her hand from his face to take a good look, hot tears blurred her vision but she could still see clearly. The black as coal eyes, that calmly looked at her as if recognizing her instantly. Oh those judgy little eyes felt so familiar, reminded him of a certain someone she wished to forget.

"You look just like him", she smiled widely, her swollen dark brown eyes gleaming joyfully.

She laughed hysterically, moving back and forward while holding the quiet baby. But her smile did not last, faded away like the pulse of her newborn son.

"Your pulse is weak. Why?" She murmured in agony, the baby's dark eyes closed as he lost all consciousness. "No, no, no, no."

Stood up, felt the blood running down her thighs, opened the door and looked around the halls in despair and hope. The baby was cold, so she embraced him tighter under her arms.

There was only one person that could help her baby, even if she knew she should not let anyone know about this baby's existence, there was only one way for it to remain alive.

The hero who could cure any illness or wound, the most trustworthy teacher of this academy. The Hero Academy.

She rushed to his door, started knocking without hesitation and despite the fact that it was at the middle of the night. The door slowly opened, the room was as dark as coal, the teacher was carrying a candle with him. His eyes were swollen and narrowed, hers were gleaming with terror. The baby was as silent as the night.

"Nefeli?" He mumbled in disbelief, as if he was still dreaming.

"Help me." Nefeli stuttered.

"Something is wrong with my baby. You need to cure it."

"Calm down Nefeli. Whose baby?"

"My baby." She said and showed him the newborn baby, his tiny belly was briefly moving from his faint breathing.

"I must know the father too." He demanded and Nefeli kneeled down, closed her eyes tightly and hot tears escaped to her cheeks.

"Just save the baby! I beg you!"

"Is it K's?" The flame of the candle was dancing around before his face.

Nefeli stood wan, he leaned towards her and took gently the baby from her paralyzed arms. "It's fine if it is. The baby did nothing wrong. I will do my best to save it, meanwhile, you need to go back to the place you gave birth and clean it up. You must leave no trace, this will be a secret, I promise."

Nefeli stared at him with swollen sparkling eyes, then looked at the sleeping baby, then turned around and ran away into the thick darkness.

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