Once upon a time

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Many many years ago...

🎶 ohhh I remember you
From yesterday, to today, for eternity
You will forever be... (a little girl sings)

The person who saves me from every fall
The one who never fails me, you who never betrays me 🎶

🎶 He cries in the dark, to conceal the truth he laughs,
He shines only in the pitch black sky, like stars, like burning stars

I know who you are, I can see behind your mask,
You act like you are bad, but your heart is warm 🎶

🎶 you hide in the shadows, helping people who are praying,
You say you are the villain, I say you are the prey

You are a hero K, you will forever be,
You know it in your heart, so stop pretending not to be 🎶

🎶 A hero that cries behind that mask, in your unfazed expression I shed that fake façade apart

May your teardrops make your eyes majestic,
For those are the tears of a hero you are shedding 🎶

🎶 Creating perfect illusions,
until they become the truth,

in a world of fake kindness and unkept promises the only truth is you🎶

To be my hero, it's just me and you' 🎶

"Aren't you tired of chanting this lullaby Ariadne?" Little Nicasio was frowning irritated, he had black as coal hair that was fluffy and spiky, his eyes were big and dark. He looked nothing like his younger sister, her short hair was honey blonde and her eyes shined brightly with positive energy.

They were in a train sitting next to each other when Ariadne was reading her fairytale. Of course, she was always the one sitting near the window but her eyes were always traveling back to the book instead.

Their mother was sitting across them, she was a chubby woman wearing these huge black sunglasses that resembled an owl, they only had a few bags with little clothes inside. But it was enough for this new start in their lives, anywhere would be better than what they had left behind.

Little Ariadne was happy chanting this lullaby in repeat, their mother was silent but grinning in delight. Why then, little Nicasio was in a bad mood, however this time he genuinely wanted to let go of any worries and be happy.

But he found it so hard to accept happiness, peace or joy. Still, deep inside him he was truly happy. Because at least they were safe, at least he wasn't alone, they were together, the two people who he loved the most.

Living with the fear that they could be lost.

"K is the best hero ever!" Ariadne exclaimed in a extremely cheerful voice, everyone around them was glaring at them frustrated all this time. Everyone except for a little girl with a yellow dress who was staring outside without paying attention to them.

"K is a villain in the story. He also does not exist." Nicasio argued. His little sister was obsessed with this imaginary character in the fairytale and K was not even the hero or protagonist. He sighed.

"I believe he exists. He is my hero! My personal hero. You just need to believe me." Ariadne warned him with a long dissatisfied stare.

She then gave him a kiss in the cheek and leaned over to his shoulder finally yawning exhausted. "Protect my book while I sleep Nic." Ariadne passed the hardcover book under his hands and Nicasio did not complain. He was sleepy too. Maybe he should sleep peacefully this time.

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