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Valera woke up disoriented, and her brain pounding against her skull, her eyes aching as she blinked.

The first thing she noticed was that it wasn't her room that she was in. It was a small trailer, and it wasn't a place she's ever set foot in before.

The second thing she noticed was the man lying on the couch, snoring away, drugs, and beer lying around him.

She grimaced at spilled beer, but that was the least of her worries. She needed to leave before that man woke up.

She carefully got off the bed and sneaked past the man and towards the door.

She cursed as the door creaked as she opened it.

"..hell..hey!" Valera pushed open the door and ran out.

"Hey, wait!" The man followed her, and Valera didn't know where she was, and she didn't want to get lost just in case this man was actually a serial killer.

She picked up a shovel that was lying on the ground ,"Stay back! I am not afraid to use this." She threatened, her voice raspy from her panic attack earlier.

"Whoa, whoa! Chill, you had a panic attack, and you passed out, I couldn't extacly take you to the hospital. They'll ask questions, and I didn't need that." The man explained, eyeing the shovel.

"So... you're not a serial killer? You're not gonna chop me up into pieces and bury me all over?" Valera questioned, wearily,

The man scoffed, a small chuckle escaping him ,"No. Girl, you watch too many horror movies."

Valera shrugged, "I like horror movies..so, who are you?"

"Well, I'm Barry, and you are.." The man, Barry, trailed off,

"Valera." Valera told him, lowering the shovel but still holding it just in case.

"So, want some drugs?" Barry questioned, and Valera stared at him, blinking.

"Oh my god, you're a drug dealer!" Valera said, laughing, "This is great! It's amazing!"

Barry raised an eyebrow at Valera, "did you take some of my drugs when I was sleeping?"

Valera shook her head, "No, don't mind me, I'm just having a mental breakdown."

"A couple of these will help you relax." Barry told her, holding a plastic bag.

"Thanks for the offer, but I gotta pass." Valera replied, putting down the shovel.

She sat down on one of the chairs, running a hand through her hair.

"You smoke?" Barry questioned, and Valera shook her head.

"Mind If I smoke?" Barry asked ,"No, go ahead." Barry nodded, lighting up his cigarette.

"What time is it anyway?" Valera asked, and Barry shrugged, "I don't know like 3: 30."

"In..the morning?" Valera slowly questioned, and Barry huffed ,"No, in the afternoon."

Valera cursed, "Oh god, Rafe is gonna kill me!" She groaned.

"Wait, Rafe? As in Rafe cameron?" Barry asked, and Valera nodded her head, narrowing her eyes at Barry until she gasped.

She pointed an accusing finger at him ,"Oh my god! You're his drug dealer, aren't you! You've been the one selling drugs to my brother, haven't you!?"

"Hey, he comes to me for drugs, I just want the money." Barry defended himself, and Valera sighed, leaning back against her chair.

"You're selling him the good shit, right?" Valera questioned after a minute.

Barry let out a laugh ,"That's what you're worried about?"

Valera shrugged, "I don't want my brother to overdose on some bad shit, I want him to overdose on some good shit."

Barry and Valera stared at each other before they burst out laughing.

"Girl, you crazy!"

Valera chuckled , "i gotta call him. He must be freaking out by now."

A motorcycle was heard from a distance, and Barry snorted, "Yeah, pretty sure he was, probably tracked your phone by now, think he'll kill me?"

Valera shrugged, "depends, how piss do you think he is?"

"By the sound of it? He's pretty fucking pissed." Barry replied,

"Yeah, well..it was nice knowing you, Barry." Valera teased, and Barry rolled his eyes but cracked a grin.

Rafe pulled up soon, and he got off his bike, taking his helmet off.

"Val, what the fuck are you doing here?" Rafe questioned, eyeing Barry, "did you give my little sister drugs?"

Barry shook his head, "tried to, she said no."

Valera nodded ,"Yes, I said no. Look, I had a panic attack yesterday, and Barry found me. He didn't want to take me to the hospital because they'll ask questions, so he brought me here instead, "

Valera stood up, "I am fine, see completely fine." She smiled up at him.

"Fine? You've been crying, and you had a panic attack? You haven't had a panic attack since you were fourteen. What happened? Do I need to beat up someone?" Rafe questioned,

"..I just had a fight with Sarah, That's all. There is nothing to worry about because I am not going to worry about it." Valera told him,

Rafe rolled his eyes before he looked at Barry, "Since I'm here, go get my shit."

"You could ask nicely. After all, I did keep your sister safe from stranger danger." Barry replied with an eye roll.

Valera let out a small laugh, "Dude, you are the stranger danger," she turned to Rafe, "and you could ask a little nicer."

Rafe rolled his eyes, "okay..Barry, go get my shit... please." He sarcastically said

Barry grinned, "That's more like it, rich boy!"

Barry walked into his trailer, and Valera grinned at Rafe,

"What?" Rafe asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"So, drug dealer, boyfriend?" She teased, and Rafe huffed, "he's not my boyfriend."

Valera hummed, "Sure." Rafe shoved her, and Valera let out a small laugh,

Barry came back out and handed Rafe his stuff, and Rafe paid him a good amount of cash.

"Here, found it on the floor." Barry handed Valera her phone.

"Thanks, Barry." Valera looked down at her phone, seeing messages and missed calls from everyone.

"Come on, val, you look like shit." Rafe said, passing her the helmet.

Valera playfully gasped, "I didn't know I was a walking mirror."

"Shut up."

Valera chuckled, putting on the helmet and getting on the bike, and Rafe got on the bike.

Valera raised her hand and waved goodbye to Barry.

Barry watched the silbings leave, and he shook his head.

"Crazy, both of them."


1053 words

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